1. Installation

There are a number of options to install a pre-built copy of ddisasm:

  • Docker image published to Docker Hub

  • Ubuntu apt packages published to the GTIRB apt repository

  • .zip archives of the Windows build published to the GrammaTech fileserver

These options offer stable and unstable variants. It is critical to install a consistent set of tools, using tools that are all stable or all unstable; a mix of stable and unstable tools will likely not work. The stable versions are recommended for most users. The unstable versions reflect the latest state of the development branch, and may include bugs and unannounced breaking changes.

Note that installing the gtirb Python package from pip yields a stable package, which will only work with corresponding stable versions of ddisasm; see the GTIRB README for more details.

1.1. Docker

The Docker image is the easiest way to download and try ddisasm quickly.

  • grammatech/ddisasm:latest - the latest stable version

  • grammatech/ddisasm:unstable - the latest unstable version

  • grammatech/ddisasm:1.5.7 - a specific release of ddisasm

Explore the available docker tags here

1.2. Ubuntu

Packages for Ubuntu 20 are available in the GTIRB apt repository and may be installed per the following instructions.

First, add GrammaTech’s APT key.

wget -O - https://download.grammatech.com/gtirb/files/apt-repo/conf/apt.gpg.key | apt-key add -

Next update your sources.list file.

echo "deb https://download.grammatech.com/gtirb/files/apt-repo [distribution] [component]"| sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list


  • [distribution] is focal (currently, only Ubuntu 20 packages are available)

  • [component] is either stable, which holds the last versioned release, or unstable, which holds the HEAD of the repository.

Finally update your package database and install the core GTIRB tools:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gtirb-pprinter ddisasm

Warning: There is a problem with the packages in the stable repository that will cause conflicts if you try apt-get upgrade. In this case, uninstall and reinstall the packages you got from the GTIRB repository. You may need to use dpkg --remove to remove the metapackages (e.g. ddisasm) before removing the concrete versioned packages (e.g. ddisasm-1.5.1).

1.3. Windows

Windows releases are packaged as .zip files and are available here.