GTIRB  v2.1.0
GrammaTech Intermediate Representation for Binaries

Demonstrate many different elements of the GTIRB API.

#include <gtirb/gtirb.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid_io.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace gtirb;
int main() {
// ### Initialization for AuxData usage
// To make use of the auxiliary data mechanism, each schema that is
// intended to be used must be registered with the API before doing
// anything else with GTIRB. Typically, this is easiest to do as one
// of the first steps in main().
// ### Populating the IR
// GTIRB representation objects have class `gtirb::IR`, and are created within
// a context object (`gtirb::Context`). Freeing the context will also destroy
// all the objects within it.
auto* Ir = IR::Create(C);
// Every IR holds a set of modules (`gtirb::Module`).
auto* M = Module::Create(C, "example");
// Could also have written: auto* M = Ir->addModule(C);
// Every module holds a set of sections (`gtirb::Section`).
auto* S = Section::Create(C, ".text");
// Could also have written: auto* S = M->addSection(C, ".text");
// Every section has a set of byte intervals (`gtirb::ByteInterval`).
auto* BI = ByteInterval::Create(C, Addr(2048), 466);
// Could also have written: auto* BI = S->addByteInterval(C, Addr(2048), 466);
// Create some data objects. These only define the layout and do not directly
// store any data.
auto* D1 = DataBlock::Create(C, 6);
BI->addBlock(0, D1);
auto* D2 = DataBlock::Create(C, 2);
BI->addBlock(6, D2);
// The actual data is stored in the blocks' byte interval:
std::array<uint8_t, 8> Bytes{1, 0, 2, 0, 115, 116, 114, 108};
BI->insertBytes(const_cast<const ByteInterval*>(BI)->bytes_begin<uint8_t>(),
Bytes.begin(), Bytes.end());
// Symbols (`gtirb::Symbol`) associate a name with a block in the IR, such as
// code blocks, data blocks, or proxy blocks. They can optionally store an
// address instead.
[[maybe_unused]] auto* Sym1 = M->addSymbol(Symbol::Create(C, D1, "data1"));
[[maybe_unused]] auto* Sym2 = M->addSymbol(Symbol::Create(C, D2, "data2"));
// GTIRB can store multiple symbols with the same address or referent.
M->addSymbol(Symbol::Create(C, D2, "duplicateReferent"));
M->addSymbol(Symbol::Create(C, Addr(2048), "duplicateName"));
M->addSymbol(Symbol::Create(C, Addr(4096), "duplicateName"));
// Basic blocks are stored as `gtirb::CodeBlock`s. Like data blocks, code
// blocks reference data in a byte interval but do not directly hold any data
// themselves. GTIRB does not directly represent instructions.
auto* B1 = CodeBlock::Create(C, 4);
BI->addBlock(12, B1);
auto* B2 = CodeBlock::Create(C, 6);
BI->addBlock(16, B2);
// GTIRB has an interprocedural control flow graph (`gtirb::CFG`) to track
// relations between code blocks. The `CFG` can be populated with edges to
// denote control flow.
auto& Cfg = Ir->getCFG();
auto E = *addEdge(B1, B2, Cfg);
// Edges can have labels, indicating the type of control flow:
// Symbolic expressions indicate that the value of a range of bytes depends on
// the value of a symbol.
BI->addSymbolicExpression(14, SymAddrConst{0, Sym1});
// Finally, auxiliary data can be used to store additional information at the
// IR and module level. A `gtirb::AuxData` object can store integers, strings,
// GTIRB types such as `gtirb::Addr` and `gtirb::UUID`, and various containers
// over these types. There are predefined AuxData schema for you to use, but
// you can also use your own custom AuxData schema. Here is use of a
// predefined schema, `gtirb::schema::Types`:
{{D1->getUUID(), "string"}, {D2->getUUID(), "uleb128"}});
// ### Querying the IR
// Symbols can be looked up by address or name. Any number of symbols can
// share an address or name, so be prepared to deal with multiple results.
for (const auto& Sym : M->findSymbols(Addr(2054))) {
[[maybe_unused]] const auto& _ = Sym;
assert(Sym.getAddress() == Addr(2054));
assert(Sym.getName() == "data2" || Sym.getName() == "duplicateReferent");
assert(Sym.getReferent<DataBlock>() == nullptr ||
Sym.getReferent<DataBlock>() == D2);
for (const auto& Sym : M->findSymbols("duplicateName")) {
[[maybe_unused]] const auto& _ = Sym;
assert(Sym.getName() == "duplicateName");
assert(Sym.getAddress() == Addr(2048) || Sym.getAddress() == Addr(4096));
// Use a symbol's referent (either a Block or DataObject) to get more
// information about the object to which the symbol points.
[[maybe_unused]] auto* Referent = Sym1->getReferent<DataBlock>();
assert(Referent != nullptr);
assert(Referent->getAddress() == Addr(2054));
assert(Referent->getSize() == 2);
assert(Referent->getByteInterval() == BI);
assert(Referent->getOffset() == 6);
// Alternatively, blocks can be looked up by an address contained within the
// object. Any number of blocks may overlap and contain an address, so be
// prepared to deal with multiple results.
auto Blocks = M->findBlocksAt(Addr(2048), Addr(4096));
assert(std::distance(Blocks.begin(), Blocks.end()) == 4);
// The CFG uses
// [boost::graph](
// GTIRB also provides a convenience function for iterating over blocks:
for (const auto& B : blocks(Cfg)) {
std::cout << "Block at address " << B.getAddress() << std::endl;
// To use boost::graph directly, you'll need to convert blocks into
// `vertex_descriptor`s:
auto [VerticesBegin, VerticesEnd] = boost::vertices(Cfg);
for (const auto& Vertex :
boost::make_iterator_range(VerticesBegin, VerticesEnd)) {
if (Cfg[Vertex] == B2) {
std::cout << "B2's vertex descriptor is: " << Vertex << std::endl;
// And once you have those, you can use `edge_descriptor`s to look up labels
// and the source/target blocks:
auto [EdgesBegin, EdgesEnd] = boost::edges(Cfg);
for (const auto& Edge : boost::make_iterator_range(EdgesBegin, EdgesEnd)) {
auto V1 = boost::source(Edge, Cfg);
auto V2 = boost::target(Edge, Cfg);
std::cout << "Edge: " << Cfg[V1] << " => " << Cfg[V2] << std::endl;
auto Label = *Cfg[Edge];
std::cout << "Conditional? "
<< (std::get<ConditionalEdge>(Label) == ConditionalEdge::OnTrue)
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Direct? "
<< (std::get<DirectEdge>(Label) == DirectEdge::IsDirect)
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Fallthrough? "
<< (std::get<EdgeType>(Label) == EdgeType::Fallthrough)
<< std::endl;
// Aux data can be retrieved based on the schema and queried upon.
auto* typesMap = M->getAuxData<gtirb::schema::Types>();
if (typesMap) {
for (const auto& [DataBlockID, BlockType] : *typesMap) {
std::cout << "Data block with UUID " << DataBlockID << " is of type "
<< BlockType << "!";
// ### Serialization
// Serialize IR to a file with `gtirb::IR::save`.
std::ofstream Out("path/to/file");
// Deserialize from a file with `gtirb::IR::load`.
std::ifstream In("path/to/file");
[[maybe_unused]] auto& NewIR = *IR::load(C, In);
// END
return 0;
static ByteInterval * Create(Context &C)
static DataBlock * Create(Context &C)
@ IsDirect
static ErrorOr< IR * > load(Context &C, std::istream &In)
@ S
static CodeBlock * Create(Context &C)
static Symbol * Create(Context &C)
static IR * Create(Context &C)
@ OnTrue
static Module * Create(Context &C, const std::string &Name)
@ Fallthrough
static Section * Create(Context &C)
@ OnFalse
GTIRB_EXPORT_API boost::iterator_range< block_iterator > blocks(CFG &Cfg)
GTIRB_EXPORT_API std::optional< CFG::edge_descriptor > addEdge(const CfgNode *From, const CfgNode *To, CFG &Cfg)