GTIRB  v2.1.0
GrammaTech Intermediate Representation for Binaries

Open an IR and print every symbol pointing to data.

;;;; data-symbols.lisp --- Print the names of all symbols pointing to data
;;; To run this example, do the following.
;;; 1. Install the gtirb and gtirb/dot packages with quicklisp
;;; (mapcar #'ql:quickload '(:gt :gtirb)
;;; 2. Run ddisasm to disassemble a binary to GTIRB.
;;; $ echo 'main(){puts("hello world");}'|gcc -x c - -o /tmp/hello
;;; $ ddisasm /tmp/hello --ir /tmp/hello.gtirb
;;; 3. Evaluate this file using the path of the GTIRB file produced by
;;; ddisasm and the addresses of two basic blocks.
(defpackage :data-symbols
(:use :gt :gtirb)
(:shadow :symbol :size))
(in-package :data-symbols)
(in-readtable :curry-compose-reader-macros)
(defun data-symbols (path)
"Print the names of all symbols pointing to data in GTIRB at PATH."
(nest (format t "~{~a~%~}")
(mapcar #'name)
(remove-if-not [{typep _ 'data-block} #'payload])
(mappend #'symbols (modules (read-gtirb path)))))