Source code for gtirb.auxdata

from io import BytesIO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, Optional
from uuid import UUID

from google.protobuf.internal.containers import MessageMap

from .node import Node
from .proto import AuxData_pb2
from .serialization import Serialization
from .util import DictLike

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    # Ignore flake8 "imported but unused" errors.
    from .ir import IR  # noqa: F401

class _LazyDataContainer:
    Container that holds the raw byte stream until it is read, then releases
    it. If it is never read, then serialization skips re-encoding (and
    deserializing) the data.

    def __init__(
        raw_data: bytes,
        type_name: str,
        get_by_uuid: Callable[[UUID], Optional[Node]],
        self.raw_data: Optional[bytes] = raw_data
        self.type_name = type_name
        self.get_by_uuid = get_by_uuid

    def get_data(self) -> object:
        Get any pending still-serialized data, or return the passed data
        instead (the default).
        assert self.raw_data is not None
        rv = AuxData.serializer.decode(
            self.raw_data, self.type_name, self.get_by_uuid
        self.raw_data = None
        return rv

    def get_raw_data(self) -> bytes:
        """ """
        assert self.raw_data is not None
        return self.raw_data

[docs]class AuxData: """AuxData objects can be attached to the :class:`gtirb.IR` or individual :class:`gtirb.Module` s to store additional client-specific data in a portable way. AuxData represents a portable, language-independent manner of encoding rich data. To do this, all data is stored on disk as a series of bytes with a string describing the format of the data, called a *type name*. See :mod:`gtirb.serialization` for the list of all default types. Types may also be parameterized; for example, ``mapping<string,UUID>`` is a ``dict`` from ``str`` objects to ``UUID`` objects. All ``AuxData`` requires a valid type name in order to be serialized. :ivar The value stored in this AuxData. :ivar ~.type_name: A string describing the type of ``data``. Used to determine the proper codec for serializing this AuxData. """ serializer: ClassVar[Serialization] = Serialization() """This is a :class:`gtirb.Serialization` instance, used to encode and decode ``data`` fields of all ``AuxData``. See :mod:`gtirb.serialization` for details. """
[docs] def __init__( self, data: object, type_name: str, lazy_container: Optional[_LazyDataContainer] = None, ): """ :param data: The value stored in this AuxData. :param type_name: A string describing the type of ``data``. Used to determine the proper codec for serializing this AuxData. :param lazy_container: An object that will lazily deserialize the auxdata table backing this object, or None. """ self._lazy_container = lazy_container # _data has type Any to avoid disrupting clients want to type check # their use of gtirb. If _data had type object, they would have to # verify the element types of potentially large containers, or else # just subvert the type system by casting anyway. self._data: Any = data # type: ignore[misc] self.type_name = type_name
@property def data(self) -> Any: # type: ignore[misc] if self._lazy_container is not None: self._data = self._lazy_container.get_data() self._lazy_container = None return self._data @data.setter def data(self, value: object) -> None: self._data = value self._lazy_container = None @classmethod def _from_protobuf( cls, aux_data: AuxData_pb2.AuxData, ir: Optional["IR"], ) -> "AuxData": """Deserialize AuxData from Protobuf. Lazy, will not perform deserialization until .data is accessed. :param aux_data: The Protobuf AuxData object. """ # Defer deserialization until someone accesses .data assert ir lazy_container = _LazyDataContainer(, aux_data.type_name, ir.get_by_uuid ) return cls( data=None, type_name=aux_data.type_name, lazy_container=lazy_container, ) def _to_protobuf(self) -> AuxData_pb2.AuxData: """Get a Protobuf representation of the AuxData.""" proto_auxdata = AuxData_pb2.AuxData() proto_auxdata.type_name = self.type_name # If we are serializing the same data, and the way that data is encoded # has not changed, then just use the already serialized copy. if self._lazy_container is not None and ( self.type_name == self._lazy_container.type_name ): = self._lazy_container.get_raw_data() else: data_stream = BytesIO() AuxData.serializer.encode(data_stream,, self.type_name) = data_stream.getvalue() return proto_auxdata def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( "AuxData(" "type_name={type_name!r}, " "data={data!r}, " ")".format(type_name=self.type_name, )
[docs]class AuxDataContainer(Node): """The base class for anything that holds AuxData tables; that is, :class:`gtirb.IR` and :class:`gtirb.Module`. :ivar ~.aux_data: The auxiliary data associated with the object, as a mapping from names to :class:`gtirb.AuxData`. """
[docs] def __init__( self, aux_data: DictLike[str, AuxData] = {}, uuid: Optional[UUID] = None, ): """ :param aux_data: The initial auxiliary data to be associated with the object, as a mapping from names to :class:`gtirb.AuxData`. Defaults to an empty :class:`dict`. :param uuid: the UUID of this ``AuxDataContainer``, or None if a new UUID needs generated via :func:`uuid.uuid4`. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(uuid) self.aux_data: Dict[str, AuxData] = dict(aux_data)
@classmethod def _read_protobuf_aux_data( cls, proto_container: "MessageMap[str, AuxData_pb2.AuxData]", ir: Optional["IR"], ) -> Dict[str, AuxData]: """ Instead of the overrided _decode_protobuf, this method requires the Protobuf message to read from. AuxDataContainers need to call this method in their own _decode_protobuf overrides. :param proto_container: A Protobuf message with a field called ``aux_data``. """ return { key: AuxData._from_protobuf(val, ir) for key, val in proto_container.items() } def _write_protobuf_aux_data( self, proto_container: "MessageMap[str, AuxData_pb2.AuxData]" ) -> None: """ Instead of the overrided _to_protobuf, this method requires the Protobuf message to write into. AuxDataContainers need to call this method in their own _to_protobuf overrides. :param proto_container: A Protobuf message with a field called ``aux_data``. """ for k, v in self.aux_data.items(): proto_container[k].CopyFrom(v._to_protobuf())
[docs] def deep_eq(self, other: object) -> bool: """This overrides :func:`gtirb.Node.deep_eq` to check for AuxData equality. Because the values stored by AuxData are not necessarily amenable to deep checking, the auxiliary data dictionaries stored for ``self`` and ``other`` are not deeply checked. Instead, they are considered to be equal if their sets of keys are equal. """ if not isinstance(other, AuxDataContainer): return False if ( self.uuid != other.uuid or self.aux_data.keys() != other.aux_data.keys() ): return False return True