Source code for gtirb.block

import typing
from enum import Enum
from uuid import UUID

from .node import Node, _NodeMessage
from .proto import CodeBlock_pb2, DataBlock_pb2, ProxyBlock_pb2
from .util import _IndexedAttribute

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    # Ignore flake8 "imported but unused" errors.
    from .byteinterval import ByteInterval  # noqa: F401
    from .cfg import Edge  # noqa: F401
    from .ir import IR  # noqa: F401
    from .module import Module  # noqa: F401
    from .section import Section  # noqa: F401
    from .symbol import Symbol  # noqa: F401

[docs]class Block(Node): """The base class for blocks. Symbols may have references to any subclass of Block. """ @property def module(self) -> typing.Optional["Module"]: """Get the module this node ultimately belongs to.""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover @property def references(self) -> typing.Iterator["Symbol"]: """Get all the symbols that refer to this block.""" if not self.module: return symbol_set = self.module._symbol_referent_index.get(self) if symbol_set: yield from symbol_set def _add_to_uuid_cache(self, cache: typing.Dict[UUID, Node]) -> None: """Update the UUID cache when this node is added.""" cache[self.uuid] = self def _remove_from_uuid_cache(self, cache: typing.Dict[UUID, Node]) -> None: """Update the UUID cache when this node is removed.""" del cache[self.uuid]
[docs]class ByteBlock(Block): """The base class for blocks that belong to a :class:`ByteInterval` and store their bytes there. :ivar ~.size: The size of the block in bytes. :ivar ~.offset: The offset from the beginning of the byte interval to which this block belongs. Multiple blocks in the same interval may have the same offset. """ size = _IndexedAttribute[int]()(lambda self: self.byte_interval) offset = _IndexedAttribute[int]()(lambda self: self.byte_interval)
[docs] def __init__( self, *, size: int = 0, offset: int = 0, uuid: typing.Optional[UUID] = None, byte_interval: typing.Optional["ByteInterval"] = None, ): """ :param size: The size of the data object in bytes. :param offset: The offset from the beginning of the byte interval to which this block belongs. :param uuid: The UUID of this ``ByteBlock``, or None if a new UUID needs generated via :func:`uuid.uuid4`. Defaults to None. :param byte_interval: The :class:`ByteInterval` this block belongs to. """ super().__init__(uuid=uuid) self._byte_interval: typing.Optional["ByteInterval"] = None self.size = size self.offset = offset # Use the property setter to ensure correct invariants. self.byte_interval = byte_interval
@property def byte_interval(self) -> typing.Optional["ByteInterval"]: """The :class:`ByteInterval` this block belongs to.""" return self._byte_interval @byte_interval.setter def byte_interval(self, value: typing.Optional["ByteInterval"]) -> None: if self._byte_interval is not None: self._byte_interval.blocks.discard(self) if value is not None: value.blocks.add(self)
[docs] def deep_eq(self, other: object) -> bool: # Do not move __eq__. See docstring for Node.deep_eq for more info. if not isinstance(other, ByteBlock): return False return ( self.offset == other.offset and self.uuid == other.uuid and self.size == other.size )
@property def contents(self) -> bytes: """Get the bytes in this block.""" if self.byte_interval is None: return b"" return self.byte_interval.contents[ self.offset : self.offset + self.size ] @property def address(self) -> typing.Optional[int]: """Get the address of this block, or None if not present.""" if self.byte_interval is None or self.byte_interval.address is None: return None return self.byte_interval.address + self.offset @property def section(self) -> typing.Optional["Section"]: """Get the section this node ultimately belongs to.""" if self.byte_interval is None: return None return self.byte_interval.section @property def module(self) -> typing.Optional["Module"]: """Get the module this node ultimately belongs to.""" if self.section is None: return None return self.section.module @property def ir(self) -> typing.Optional["IR"]: """Get the IR this node ultimately belongs to.""" if self.module is None: return None return
[docs] def contains_offset(self, offset: int) -> bool: """Indicate if the provided offset is within this block.""" return self.offset <= offset < (self.offset + self.size)
[docs] def contains_address(self, address: int) -> bool: """Indicate if the provided address is within this block. Returns False if the block has no address. """ byte_interval = self.byte_interval if byte_interval is not None: base = byte_interval.address if base is not None: return self.contains_offset(address - base) return False
[docs]class CfgNode(Block): """The base class for blocks that may appear as vertices in the CFG.""" @property def incoming_edges(self) -> typing.Iterable["Edge"]: """Get the edges that point to this CFG node.""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover @property def outgoing_edges(self) -> typing.Iterable["Edge"]: """Get the edges that start at this CFG node.""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs]class DataBlock(ByteBlock): """Represents a data object, possibly symbolic."""
[docs] def __init__( self, *, size: int = 0, offset: int = 0, uuid: typing.Optional[UUID] = None, byte_interval: typing.Optional["ByteInterval"] = None, ): """ :param size: The size of the data object in bytes. :param offset: The offset from the beginning of the byte interval to which this block belongs. :param uuid: The UUID of this ``DataBlock``, or None if a new UUID needs generated via :func:`uuid.uuid4`. Defaults to None. :param byte_interval: The :class:`ByteInterval` this block belongs to. """ super().__init__( size=size, offset=offset, uuid=uuid, byte_interval=byte_interval )
@classmethod def _decode_protobuf( cls, proto_dataobject: _NodeMessage, uuid: UUID, ir: typing.Optional["IR"], ) -> "DataBlock": assert ir assert isinstance(proto_dataobject, DataBlock_pb2.DataBlock) b = cls(size=proto_dataobject.size, uuid=uuid) b._add_to_uuid_cache(ir._local_uuid_cache) return b def _to_protobuf(self) -> DataBlock_pb2.DataBlock: proto_dataobject = DataBlock_pb2.DataBlock() proto_dataobject.uuid = self.uuid.bytes proto_dataobject.size = self.size return proto_dataobject def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( "DataBlock(" "uuid={uuid!r}, " "size={size}, " "offset={offset}, " ")".format(uuid=self.uuid, size=self.size, offset=self.offset) )
[docs]class CodeBlock(ByteBlock, CfgNode): """A basic block in the binary. Does not directly store data bytes, which are kept in a :class:`ByteInterval`. :ivar ~.decode_mode: The decode mode of the block, used in some ISAs to differentiate between sub-ISAs (e.g. differentiating blocks written in ARM and Thumb). """
[docs] class DecodeMode(Enum): """Variations on decoding a particular ISA""" Default = CodeBlock_pb2.DecodeMode.Value("All_Default") """Default decode mode for all ISAs""" Thumb = CodeBlock_pb2.DecodeMode.Value("ARM_Thumb") """Thumb decode mode for ARM32"""
[docs] def __init__( self, *, decode_mode: DecodeMode = DecodeMode.Default, size: int = 0, offset: int = 0, uuid: typing.Optional[UUID] = None, byte_interval: typing.Optional["ByteInterval"] = None, ): """ :param size: The length of the block in bytes. :param decode_mode: The decode mode of the block, used in some ISAs to differentiate between sub-ISAs (e.g. differentiating blocks written in ARM and Thumb). Defaults to DecodeMode.Default. :param offset: The offset from the beginning of the byte interval to which this block belongs. :param uuid: The UUID of this ``CodeBlock``, or None if a new UUID needs generated via :func:`uuid.uuid4`. Defaults to None. :param byte_interval: The :class:`ByteInterval` this block belongs to. """ super().__init__( size=size, offset=offset, uuid=uuid, byte_interval=byte_interval ) self.decode_mode = decode_mode # type: CodeBlock.DecodeMode
@classmethod def _decode_protobuf( cls, proto_block: _NodeMessage, uuid: UUID, ir: typing.Optional["IR"], ) -> "CodeBlock": assert ir assert isinstance(proto_block, CodeBlock_pb2.CodeBlock) b = cls( decode_mode=cls.DecodeMode(proto_block.decode_mode), size=proto_block.size, uuid=uuid, ) b._add_to_uuid_cache(ir._local_uuid_cache) return b def _to_protobuf(self) -> CodeBlock_pb2.CodeBlock: proto_block = CodeBlock_pb2.CodeBlock() proto_block.uuid = self.uuid.bytes proto_block.size = self.size proto_block.decode_mode = self.decode_mode.value return proto_block
[docs] def deep_eq(self, other: object) -> bool: # Do not move __eq__. See docstring for Node.deep_eq for more info. if not isinstance(other, CodeBlock): return False return super().deep_eq(other) and self.decode_mode == other.decode_mode
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( "CodeBlock(" "uuid={uuid!r}, " "size={size}, " "offset={offset}, " "decode_mode=CodeBlock.{decode_mode!s}, " ")".format( uuid=self.uuid, size=self.size, offset=self.offset, decode_mode=self.decode_mode, ) ) @property def incoming_edges(self) -> typing.Iterator["Edge"]: if is None: return iter(()) return @property def outgoing_edges(self) -> typing.Iterator["Edge"]: if is None: return iter(()) return
[docs]class ProxyBlock(CfgNode): """A placeholder that serves as the endpoint (source or target) of a :class:`gtirb.Edge`. ProxyBlock objects allow the construction of CFG edges to or from another node. For example, a call to a function in another module may be represented by a :class:`gtirb.Edge` that originates at the calling :class:`gtirb.CodeBlock` and targets a ProxyBlock. Another example would be a :class:`gtirb.Edge` that represents an indirect jump whose target is not known. A ProxyBlock does not represent any instructions and so has neither an address nor a size. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, uuid: typing.Optional[UUID] = None, module: typing.Optional["Module"] = None, ): super().__init__(uuid=uuid) self._module: typing.Optional["Module"] = None # Use the property setter to ensure correct invariants. self.module = module
@classmethod def _decode_protobuf( cls, proto_proxy: _NodeMessage, uuid: UUID, ir: typing.Optional["IR"], ) -> "ProxyBlock": assert ir assert isinstance(proto_proxy, ProxyBlock_pb2.ProxyBlock) b = cls(uuid=uuid) b._add_to_uuid_cache(ir._local_uuid_cache) return b def _to_protobuf(self) -> ProxyBlock_pb2.ProxyBlock: proto_proxyblock = ProxyBlock_pb2.ProxyBlock() proto_proxyblock.uuid = self.uuid.bytes return proto_proxyblock
[docs] def deep_eq(self, other: object) -> bool: # Do not move __eq__. See docstring for Node.deep_eq for more info. if not isinstance(other, ProxyBlock): return False return self.uuid == other.uuid
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "ProxyBlock(" "uuid={uuid!r}, " ")".format(**self.__dict__) @property def module(self) -> typing.Optional["Module"]: return self._module @module.setter def module(self, value: typing.Optional["Module"]) -> None: if self._module is not None: self._module.proxies.discard(self) if value is not None: value.proxies.add(self) @property def incoming_edges(self) -> typing.Iterator["Edge"]: if is None: return iter(()) return @property def outgoing_edges(self) -> typing.Iterator["Edge"]: if is None: return iter(()) return @property def ir(self) -> typing.Optional["IR"]: """Get the IR this node ultimately belongs to.""" if self.module is None: return None return