Source code for gtirb.symbol

import typing
from uuid import UUID

from .block import Block
from .node import Node, _NodeMessage
from .proto import Symbol_pb2
from .util import DeserializationError, _IndexedAttribute

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    # Ignore flake8 "imported but unused" errors.
    from .ir import IR  # noqa: F401
    from .module import Module  # noqa: F401

Payload = typing.Union[Block, int]
"""A type hint representing the possible Symbol payloads."""

[docs]class Symbol(Node): """Represents a symbol, which maps a name to an object in the IR. :ivar The name of this symbol. :ivar ~.at_end: True if this symbol is at the end of its referent, rather than at the beginning. Has no meaning for integral symbols. """ name = _IndexedAttribute[str]()(lambda self: self.module) _payload = _IndexedAttribute[typing.Optional[Payload]]()( lambda self: self.module )
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, uuid: typing.Optional[UUID] = None, payload: typing.Optional[Payload] = None, at_end: bool = False, module: typing.Optional["Module"] = None, ): """ :param name: The name of this symbol. :param uuid: The UUID of this ``Symbol``, or None if a new UUID needs generated via :func:`uuid.uuid4`. Defaults to None. :param payload: The value this symbol points to. May be an address, a Node, or None. :param at_end: True if this symbol is at the end of its referent, rather than at the beginning. :param module: The :class:`Module` this symbol belongs to. """ super().__init__(uuid) self._module: typing.Optional["Module"] = None = name self.at_end = at_end self._payload = payload # Use the property setter to ensure correct invariants. self.module = module
@property def value(self) -> typing.Optional[int]: """The value of a Symbol, which is an integer or None. ``value`` and ``referent`` are mutually exclusive. """ if not isinstance(self._payload, Block): return self._payload return None @value.setter def value(self, value: typing.Optional[int]) -> None: self._payload = value @property def referent(self) -> typing.Optional[Block]: """The object referred to by a Symbol, which is :class:`Block` or None. ``value`` and ``referent`` are mutually exclusive. """ if isinstance(self._payload, Block): return self._payload return None @referent.setter def referent(self, referent: typing.Optional[Block]) -> None: self._payload = referent @classmethod def _decode_protobuf( cls, proto_symbol: _NodeMessage, uuid: UUID, ir: typing.Optional["IR"], ) -> "Symbol": assert ir assert isinstance(proto_symbol, Symbol_pb2.Symbol) symbol = cls(, at_end=proto_symbol.at_end, uuid=uuid ) if proto_symbol.HasField("value"): symbol.value = proto_symbol.value if proto_symbol.HasField("referent_uuid"): referent_uuid = UUID(bytes=proto_symbol.referent_uuid) referent = ir.get_by_uuid(referent_uuid) if not isinstance(referent, Block): raise DeserializationError( "Symbol: UUID %s is not a block" % referent_uuid ) symbol.referent = referent symbol._add_to_uuid_cache(ir._local_uuid_cache) return symbol def _to_protobuf(self) -> Symbol_pb2.Symbol: proto_symbol = Symbol_pb2.Symbol() proto_symbol.uuid = self.uuid.bytes if self.value is not None: proto_symbol.value = self.value elif self.referent is not None: proto_symbol.referent_uuid = self.referent.uuid.bytes = proto_symbol.at_end = self.at_end return proto_symbol
[docs] def deep_eq(self, other: object) -> bool: # Do not move __eq__. See docstring for Node.deep_eq for more info. if not isinstance(other, Symbol): return False if self.value != other.value: return False if self.referent is None: if other.referent is not None: return False else: if not self.referent.deep_eq(other.referent): return False return ( == and self.at_end == other.at_end and self.uuid == other.uuid )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( "Symbol(" "uuid={uuid!r}, " "name={name!r}, " "payload={payload!r}, " "at_end={at_end!r}, " ")".format(, payload=self._payload, **self.__dict__) ) @property def module(self) -> typing.Optional["Module"]: return self._module @module.setter def module(self, value: typing.Optional["Module"]) -> None: if self._module is not None: self._module.symbols.discard(self) if value is not None: value.symbols.add(self) def _add_to_uuid_cache(self, cache: typing.Dict[UUID, Node]) -> None: """Update the UUID cache when this node is added.""" cache[self.uuid] = self def _remove_from_uuid_cache(self, cache: typing.Dict[UUID, Node]) -> None: """Update the UUID cache when this node is removed.""" del cache[self.uuid] @property def ir(self) -> typing.Optional["IR"]: """Get the IR this node ultimately belongs to.""" if self.module is None: return None return