gtirb.module module

class gtirb.module.Module(*, name, aux_data={}, binary_path='', file_format=FileFormat.Undefined, isa=ISA.Undefined, byte_order=ByteOrder.Undefined, preferred_addr=0, proxies={}, rebase_delta=0, sections={}, symbols={}, entry_point=None, uuid=None, ir=None)[source]

Bases: AuxDataContainer

Represents a loadable object, such as an executable or library.

  • ~.binary_path – The path to the loadable binary object represented by this module. An empty string if not specified. The file represented by this path is indicitave of what file this Module was initially created from; it is not guaranteed to currently exist or have the same contents.

  • ~.isa – The ISA of the binary.

  • ~.file_format – The file format of the binary.

  • ~.byte_order – The endianness of the binary.

  • – The name given to the binary. Some file formats use this for linking and/or symbol resolution purposes. The file name (without directory components) if not specified by the format.

  • ~.preferred_addr – The preferred loading address of the binary.

  • ~.proxies – A set containing all the gtirb.ProxyBlocks in the binary.

  • ~.rebase_delta – The rebase delta of the binary.

  • ~.sections – A set containing all the gtirb.Sections in the binary.

  • ~.symbols – A set containing all the gtirb.Symbols in the binary.

  • ~.entry_point – A CodeBlock representing where control flow of this module begins at, or None if not present.

class ByteOrder(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Identifies the endianness of a gtirb.Module.

Big = 1

Big endian.

Little = 2

Little endian.

Undefined = 0

An unknown or uninitialized endianness.

class FileFormat(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Identifies the executable file format of the binary represented by a gtirb.Module.

COFF = 1

The Common Object File Format.

ELF = 2

The Executable and Linkable Format, formerly the Extensible Linking Format.

IdaProDb32 = 4

A 32-bit IDA Pro database file.

IdaProDb64 = 5

A 64-bit IDA Pro database file.


A Mach object file.

PE = 3

Microsoft’s Portable Executable format.

RAW = 8

A raw binary file, with no file format.

Undefined = 0

A file format that has not yet been specified. This is for unitialized modules; do not use to refer to file formats without FileFormat values.


The Extended Common Object File Format.

class ISA(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Identifies the instruction set architecture (ISA) targeted by a gtirb.Module.

ARM = 4

The Acorn RISC Machine, 32-bit.

ARM64 = 7

The Acorn RISC Machine, 64-bit.

IA32 = 1

The 32-bit Intel Architecture. Also known as i386, x86, or x32.

MIPS32 = 8

Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages, 32-bit.

MIPS64 = 9

Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages, 64-bit.

PPC32 = 2

IBM’s 32-bit PowerPC (Performance Optimization with Enhanced RISC / Performance Computing) architecture.

PPC64 = 6

IBM’s 64-bit PowerPC (Performance Optimization with Enhanced RISC / Performance Computing) architecture.

Undefined = 0

An ISA that has not yet been specified. This is for unitialized modules; use gtirb.Module.ISA.ValidButUnsupported instead for specifying undefined ISAs.

ValidButUnsupported = 5

An unknown or undefined ISA.

X64 = 3

The 64-bit Intel Architecture. Also known as x86_64.

__init__(*, name, aux_data={}, binary_path='', file_format=FileFormat.Undefined, isa=ISA.Undefined, byte_order=ByteOrder.Undefined, preferred_addr=0, proxies={}, rebase_delta=0, sections={}, symbols={}, entry_point=None, uuid=None, ir=None)[source]
  • aux_data (typing.Union[typing.Mapping[str, gtirb.auxdata.AuxData], typing.Iterable[typing.Tuple[str, gtirb.auxdata.AuxData]]]) – The initial auxiliary data to be associated with the object, as a mapping from names to gtirb.AuxData, defaults to an empty dict.

  • binary_path (str) – The path to the loadable binary object represented by this module.

  • isa (gtirb.module.Module.ISA) – The ISA of the binary.

  • byte_order (gtirb.module.Module.ByteOrder) – The endianness of the binary.

  • file_format (gtirb.module.Module.FileFormat) – The file format of the binary.

  • name (str) – The name given to the binary.

  • preferred_addr (int) – The preferred loading address of the binary.

  • proxies (typing.Iterable[gtirb.block.ProxyBlock]) – A set containing all the gtirb.ProxyBlocks in the binary.

  • rebase_delta (int) – The rebase delta of the binary.

  • sections (typing.Iterable[gtirb.section.Section]) – A set containing all the gtirb.Sections in the binary.

  • symbols (typing.Iterable[gtirb.symbol.Symbol]) – A set containing all the gtirb.Symbols in the binary.

  • entry_point (typing.Optional[gtirb.block.CodeBlock]) – A CodeBlock representing where control flow of this module begins at, or None if not present.

  • uuid (typing.Optional[uuid.UUID]) – The UUID of this Module, or None if a new UUID needs generated via uuid.uuid4(). Defaults to None.

  • ir (typing.Optional[]) – The IR this module belongs to.

property byte_blocks: Iterator[ByteBlock]

The ByteBlocks in this module.


Finds all the byte blocks that begin at an address or range of addresses.


addrs (typing.Union[int, range]) – Either a range object or a single address.

Return type:



Finds all the byte blocks that overlap an address or range of addresses.


addrs (typing.Union[int, range]) – Either a range object or a single address.

Return type:


property byte_intervals: Iterator[ByteInterval]

The ByteIntervals in this module.


Finds all the byte intervals that begin at an address or range of addresses.


addrs (typing.Union[int, range]) – Either a range object or a single address.

Return type:



Finds all the byte intervals that overlap an address or range of addresses.


addrs (typing.Union[int, range]) – Either a range object or a single address.

Return type:


property cfg_nodes: Iterator[CfgNode]

The CfgNodes in this module.

property code_blocks: Iterator[CodeBlock]

The CodeBlocks in this module.


Finds all the code blocks that begin at an address or range of addresses.


addrs (typing.Union[int, range]) – Either a range object or a single address.

Return type:



Finds all the code blocks that overlap an address or range of addresses.


addrs (typing.Union[int, range]) – Either a range object or a single address.

Return type:


property data_blocks: Iterator[DataBlock]

The DataBlocks in this module.


Finds all the data blocks that begin at an address or range of addresses.


addrs (typing.Union[int, range]) – Either a range object or a single address.

Return type:



Finds all the data blocks that overlap an address or range of addresses.


addrs (typing.Union[int, range]) – Either a range object or a single address.

Return type:



This overrides gtirb.Node.deep_eq() to check for AuxData equality.

Because the values stored by AuxData are not necessarily amenable to deep checking, the auxiliary data dictionaries stored for self and other are not deeply checked. Instead, they are considered to be equal if their sets of keys are equal.

Return type:


property ir: IR | None

The IR this module belongs to.


Finds all the sections that begin at an address or range of addresses.


addrs (typing.Union[int, range]) – Either a range object or a single address.

Return type:



Finds all the sections that overlap an address or range of addresses.


addrs (typing.Union[int, range]) – Either a range object or a single address.

Return type:



Finds all the symbolic expressions that begin at an address or range of addresses.


addrs (typing.Union[int, range]) – Either a range object or a single address.

Return type:

typing.Iterable[typing.Tuple[gtirb.byteinterval.ByteInterval, int, gtirb.symbolicexpression.SymbolicExpression]]


Yields (interval, offset, symexpr) tuples for every symbolic expression in the range.


Finds all symbols with a given name.

Return type:
