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5.1 Installation

TLDR; If you already have a Common Lisp development environment setup the Software Evolution Library (SEL) can be installed from QuickLisp by running (ql:quickload :software-evolution-library), however many components and software types have additional dependencies.

Note: The following instructions assume you are running a Linux or macOS operating system, for installation Windows see Windows Installation.

SEL is currently only tested against Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) Clozure Common Lisp (CCL) and requires ASDF version 3.3.x or greater.

The source code for SEL is available at SEL and its Common Lisp dependencies are installable through Quicklisp (see

External dependencies are required for some software object subclasses that require external parsers. For all languages evaluation of software objects require that the language’s compiler or interpreter is available.
Software typeClassDependencyURL
Source Code for many languagessel/sw/ts:tree-sittertree-sitter
Alternate C/CPP Source Codesel/sw/clang:clangclang v10.0+

Table 5.1: Additional dependencies for specific software objects.