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Condition: serapi-error [sel/cp/serapi-io]

Class precedence list: serapi-error, error, serious-condition, condition, slot-object, t

Condition raised if errors are detected in the SerAPI process.

Condition: serapi-timeout-error [sel/cp/serapi-io]

Class precedence list: serapi-timeout-error, error, serious-condition, condition, slot-object, t

Condition raised if timeout is exceeded.

Variable: *serapi-process* [sel/cp/serapi-io]

Main SerAPI process. Ensure new threads each have their own copy or else.

Variable: *serapi-timeout* [sel/cp/serapi-io]

Maximum amount of time to wait before determining that no data can be read.

Variable: *sertop-args* [sel/cp/serapi-io]

Arguments to sertop program.

Variable: *sertop-path* [sel/cp/serapi-io]

Path to sertop program.

Generic Function: check-coq-type [sel/cp/serapi-io] coq-expr &key qtag

Look up and return the type of a Coq expression coq-expr. Optionally use qtag to tag the query.

Method: check-coq-type [sel/cp/serapi-io] coq-expr &key (qtag (gensym q))

Look up and return the type of a coq-expr using Coq’s ‘Check’. coq-expr will be coerced to a string via the ‘format’ ~a directive.

Macro: with-serapi [sel/cp/serapi-io] (&optional process) &body body

Macro to create a serapi process bound to serapi. Uses default path and arguments for sertop (‘*sertop-path*’ and ‘*sertop-args*’).

Function: add-coq-lib [sel/cp/serapi-io] path &key lib-name has-ml qtag

Add directory path to the Coq and, optionally, ml load paths in SerAPI. Return the SerAPI response. * lib-name an optional prefix to use when importing from the directory. e.g., for lib-name Foo, file PATH/Bar.vo could be imported with "Require Import Foo.Bar."). * has-ml the string "true" or "false", indicating whether path should or should not be added to the ml load path in addition to the Coq load path. For convenience, the default is "true". * qtag optionally, a tag to use for the SerAPI command.

Function: add-coq-string [sel/cp/serapi-io] coq-string &key qtag

Submit coq-string as a new statement to add to the Coq document. Return a list of the AST-IDs created as a result. Optionally, provide a qtag for the submission.

Function: cancel-coq-asts [sel/cp/serapi-io] ast-ids &key qtag

Cancel the ASTs identified by ast-ids and return the response. Optionally, use qtag to tag the query. Canceling means that the ASTs will no longer be defined and other definitions added in the interim will also be removed.

Function: coq-assumption-ast-p [sel/cp/serapi-io] sexpr

Return name of Parameter, Variable, etc. if sexpr is tagged VernacAssumption. Otherwise return nil.

Function: coq-definition-ast-p [sel/cp/serapi-io] sexpr

Return definition name if sexpr is tagged as a definition, nil otherwise. Definition tags include VernacDefinition, VernacInductive, VernacFixpoint, VernacCoFixpoint.

Function: coq-function-definition-p [sel/cp/serapi-io] sexpr &optional function-name

Return t if sexpr is a Coq VernacDefinition expression. If function-name is specified, only return t if sexpr defines a function named function-name.

Function: coq-import-ast-p [sel/cp/serapi-io] sexpr

Return t if sexpr is tagged as VernacImport or VernacRequire, nil otherwise.

Function: coq-message-contents [sel/cp/serapi-io] response

For a SerAPI response, return the contents of any ‘Message’ structures. This is useful for fetching results of Coq vernacular queries.

Function: coq-message-levels [sel/cp/serapi-io] response

For a SerAPI response, return the level of the first ‘Message’ structure. This is useful for verifying success of a Coq vernacular query.

Function: coq-module-ast-p [sel/cp/serapi-io] sexpr

Return module name if sexpr is tagged as defining a module, nil otherwise. Module tags include VernacDefineModule, VernacDeclareModule, VernacDeclareModuleType.

Function: coq-section-ast-p [sel/cp/serapi-io] sexpr

Return section name if sexpr is tagged as VernacBeginSection, nil otherwise.

Function: insert-reset-point [sel/cp/serapi-io]

Insert a reset point so ‘*serapi-process*’ may be reset to its current state. Add Coq ‘*dummy-stmt*’ to ‘*serapi-process*’ and update ‘reset-points’ with the AST id. See also ‘reset-serapi-process’.

Generic Function: is-error [sel/cp/serapi-io] output

Check if output is an error response from SerAPI.

Method: is-error [sel/cp/serapi-io] (sexpr list)

Return t if sexpr is an error message from either an improperly formed SerAPI command or an invalid Coq command, nil otherwise.

Method: is-error [sel/cp/serapi-io] (str string)

Check if str is an error message. Errors may result from either an improperly formed SerAPI command or an invalid Coq command.

Function: is-loc-info [sel/cp/serapi-io] sexpr

Return t if sexpr is a list of Coq location info, nil otherwise.

Generic Function: is-terminating [sel/cp/serapi-io] output

Check if output is indicates the end of a SerAPI response.

Method: is-terminating [sel/cp/serapi-io] (sexpr list)

Return t if sexpr is the final message in a SerAPI response, nil otherwise. For successful responses, the list will be tagged as "Completed", and for failed responses it will be tagged as an error.

Method: is-terminating [sel/cp/serapi-io] (str string)

Check if str is the final message in a SerAPI response. For successful responses, the string will contain the word "Completed", and for failed responses it will be an error string.

Function: load-coq-file [sel/cp/serapi-io] file-name &key qtag

Load Coq file file-name. Optionally, use qtag to tag the query. Return a list of IDs for the ASTs that were added.

Generic Function: lookup-coq-ast [sel/cp/serapi-io] ast-id &key qtag

Look up and return the AST identified by ast-id. Optionally, use qtag to tag the query.

Method: lookup-coq-ast [sel/cp/serapi-io] (ast-id integer) &key (qtag (gensym q))

Look up and return the AST whose id is the integer ast-id. Optionally, use qtag to tag the query.

Generic Function: lookup-coq-pp [sel/cp/serapi-io] ast-name &key qtag

Look up and return a Coq representation of ast-name. Optionally, tag the lookup query with qtag.

Generic Function: lookup-coq-string [sel/cp/serapi-io] id &key qtag input-format

Look up the Coq string for id. If needed specify the input-format of the id. Optionally, provide a qtag for the lookup query.

The id may be either an integer AST id or one of the list representations, CoqPp, CoqAst, etc.

Method: lookup-coq-string [sel/cp/serapi-io] (raw-string string) &key qtag input-format

raw-string is already a Coq string. Return it without doing a lookup.

Method: lookup-coq-string [sel/cp/serapi-io] (ast-id integer) &key (qtag (gensym q)) input-format

Look up the Coq string for id in process. Optionally, provide a qtag for the lookup query. input-format is ignored.

Method: lookup-coq-string [sel/cp/serapi-io] (pp-string list) &key (qtag (gensym p)) (input-format (quote coqast))

Look up the Coq string for pp-string. If pp-string is not a CoqAst expression, specify the input-format. See the coq_object type in the SerAPI file serapi/serapi_protocol.mli for a complete list. Optionally, provide a qtag for the lookup query.

Function: make-coq-application [sel/cp/serapi-io] fun &rest params

Wrap Coq function fun and parameters params in a CApp tag. Assumes that fun and all params are appropriately wrapped (e.g., with ‘make-coq-var-reference’ or similar).

Function: make-coq-case-pattern [sel/cp/serapi-io] pattern-type &rest pattern-args

Create cases for a Coq match statement.

Function: make-coq-definition [sel/cp/serapi-io] name params return-type body

Create a Coq function definition. name - the name of the function. params - a list of pairs indicating the name and type of each input parameter to the function. return-type - the function’s return type. body - the function body.

Function: make-coq-ident [sel/cp/serapi-io] id

Wrap id in Ident and Id tags.

Function: make-coq-if [sel/cp/serapi-io] test then else

Create a Coq If expression: if test then then else else.

Function: make-coq-integer [sel/cp/serapi-io] x

Wrap integer x in CPrim and Numeral tags.

Function: make-coq-lambda [sel/cp/serapi-io] params body

Create a Coq lambda expression from params and body.

Function: make-coq-local-binder-exprs [sel/cp/serapi-io] type params &optional param-types

Create a list of local binder expressions. If present, param-types is the same length as params and indicates the type of each param. If absent, a CHole tag is used to indicate that the type is unspecified.

Function: make-coq-match [sel/cp/serapi-io] style test &rest branches

Create a Coq match expression. style indicates the style of the match (e.g., #!’RegularStyle). test is the expression being matched against. branches are the match cases and will generally be constructed with ‘make-coq-case-pattern’.

Function: make-coq-name [sel/cp/serapi-io] id

Wrap id in Name and Id tags.

Function: make-coq-var-reference [sel/cp/serapi-io] id

Wrap Coq variable id in CRef and either Ident or Qualid tags. Use Ident for unqualified names and Qualid for qualified names.

Function: make-serapi [sel/cp/serapi-io] &optional program args

Start up SerAPI and return a process object to interact with.

Function: reset-serapi-process [sel/cp/serapi-io]

Reset ‘*serapi-process*’ to the last reset point in its ‘reset-points’. See also ‘insert-reset-point’.

Function: sanitize-process-string [sel/cp/serapi-io] string

Ensure that special characters are properly escaped in string. Backslashes and quotation marks are escaped, and whitespace characters (\n, \t, \r, \b) are replaced with a single space.

Function: search-coq-type [sel/cp/serapi-io] coq-type &key module qtag

Return a list of tokenized types of values whose "final" type is coq-type. Results include functions parameterized by values of types other than coq-type as long as the final result returned by the function is of type coq-type. e.g., if coq-type is bool, functions of type nat->bool will be included.

Function: serapi-process-alive-p [sel/cp/serapi-io] &optional process

Return t if the serapi process is running.

Function: set-serapi-paths [sel/cp/serapi-io]

Function to set ‘*sertop-path*’ and ‘*sertop-args*’ automatically. Uses serapi environment variable or "which sertop.native" to set ‘*sertop-path*’. Uses coqlib environment variable to add "–coqlib" flag to ‘*sertop-args*’.

Function: wrap-coq-constr-expr [sel/cp/serapi-io] expr

Create a Coq ConstrExpr by wrapping expr with v and loc tags. Generally, this will be used by the ‘make-coq-*’ functions and won’t need to be invoked directly.

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