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Macro: define-endpoint-route [sel/rest/define-command-endpoint] route-name func required-args &optional command-line-args environment status-fn

Macro to define routes to run the function and retrieve results.

The ‘define-endpoint-route‘ macro sets up endpoint routes via ‘DEFROUTE‘ to start asynchronous jobs remotely, mirroring the command definitions from ‘define-command‘. The arguments are:

For example, the following invocation of ‘define-endpoint-route‘ will set up an endpoint that adds five to numbers:

    (define-endpoint-route addfive (lambda (value) (+ value 5)) ((value integer)))

An appropriate REST invocation for this endpoint might look like:

    curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" 
                 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
                 -d '{"value" : 5}'

In addition, you can directly name endpoint functions, e.g.:

    (define-endpoint-route fact #'alexandria::factorial ((value integer)))

In this case, the function must be in scope wherever this macro is envoed.

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