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Generic Function: current-git-branch [sel/utility/git] repository

Return the current git branch by directly reading git data on disk.

Generic Function: current-git-commit [sel/utility/git] repository

Return the current git commit by directly reading git data on disk.

Generic Function: current-git-status [sel/utility/git] directory

Return the git status of directory as a list of lists of (status file). Return nil if there are no modified, untracked, or deleted files.

Class: git [sel/utility/git]

Class precedence list: git, standard-object, slot-object, t

An object to represent a git repository.

Function: git-url-p [sel/utility/git] url

Return nil if url does not look like a url to a git valid remote.

Function: make-git [sel/utility/git] local-directory &key remote ssh-key clone-args

Make a git object in local-directory. If remote is specified clone from remote into local-directory. If local-directory exists it should be part of or under a git repository. If local-directory does not exist it will be created and a fresh git repository will be initialized therein. A username and password may be specified as part of the remote url. e.g. as ’’.

Generic Function: run [sel/utility/git] git command &rest arguments

Run the git command command in the git repository git.