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ABS - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
addAttributeFlag(SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression
Add an attribute flags to this SymbolicExpression.
addByteInterval(ByteInterval) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Add a ByteInterval.
addModule(Module) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Add a module to this IR.
addModules(List<Module>) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Add a list of modules to this IR.
addProxyBlock(ProxyBlock) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Add a proxy block to this Module.
addSection(Section) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Add a section to this Module.
addSectionFlag(Section.SectionFlag) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Add a Section flag.
addSymbol(Symbol) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Add a symbol to this Module.
addUnknownFlag(Integer) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression
Add an unknown attribute flag to this SymbolicExpression.
alignment - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
An entry in this table indicates that the given object's address is required to be evenly divisible by the alignment value.
ARM - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ISA
ARM64 - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ISA
ArrayType(UUID, Long) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.ArrayType
AuxDataContainer - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
Provides functionality for associating auxiliary data with elements of the intermediate representation.
AuxDataContainer.AuxData - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
Inner class for managing AuxData instances
auxDataMap - Variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataContainer
AuxDataSchema<T> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
This class mediates encoding and decoding of individual AuxData tables.
AuxDataSchema(String, Codec<T>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchema
AuxDataSchemas - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
This class contains schemas for sanctioned and provisional AuxData tables.
AuxDataSchemas() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas


BigEndian - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ByteOrder
binaryType - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Type descriptors representing what type of binary the GTIRB models (e.g.
BoolCodec - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
A Codec for bool.
BoolCodec() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.BoolCodec
BoolType(Byte) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.BoolType
Branch - com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge.EdgeType
byteArrayToUUID(byte[]) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Util
Converts a 16-byte array into a UUID.
ByteBlock - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
The ByteBlock class is a base class for code blocks and data blocks.
ByteBlock(long, long) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteBlock
Class Constructor.
byteBlockIterator() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Get a ByteBlock iterator.
ByteCodec - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
ByteInterval - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A ByteInterval represents a piece of runtime memory.
ByteInterval() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Class Constructor.
ByteInterval(byte[], long) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Class Constructor.
ByteInterval(long) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Class Constructor.
ByteOrder_Undefined - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ByteOrder
byteStringToUuid(ByteString) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Util
Convert a ByteString to a UUID.


Call - com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge.EdgeType
CALL - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
CFG - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A CFG represents the interprocedural control flow graph.
CFG(CFGOuterClass.CFG) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.CFG
Class constructor for a CFG from a protobuf CFG.
CFG(List<Edge>, List<byte[]>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.CFG
Class constructor for a CFG.
CfiDirective - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A tuple representing an individual CFI directive.
CfiDirective(String, List<Long>, UUID) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.CfiDirective
Constructor for a CFI directive.
cfiDirectives - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Map from Offsets to vector of cfi directives.
clearAddress() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Clears the address of this ByteInterval.
clearAuxData() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataContainer
Remove all AuxDataContainer.AuxData from this container.
CodeBlock - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
CodeBlock represents a basic block in the binary.
CodeBlock(long, long, CodeBlock.DecodeMode) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.CodeBlock
Class constructor for a CodeBlock.
CodeBlock.DecodeMode - Enum in com.grammatech.gtirb
Variations on decoding a particular ISA
Codec<T> - Interface in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
A codec is an object that knows how to encode and decode AuxData objects.
COFF - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.FileFormat
com.grammatech.gtirb - package com.grammatech.gtirb
com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec - package com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple - package com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple
com.grammatech.gtirb.variant - package com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
comments - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Comment strings relevant to offsets in the GTIRB entries.


DataBlock - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
DataBlock represents a data object, possibly symbolic.
DataBlock(long, long) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.DataBlock
Class constructor for a DataBlock.
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.BoolCodec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.ByteCodec
decode(InputStream) - Method in interface com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Codec
Decode a serialized instance into an in-memory object of type T.
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.FloatCodec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.IntegerCodec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.ListCodec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.LongCodec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.MapCodec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.OffsetCodec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.SetCodec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.ShortCodec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.StringCodec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple1Codec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple2Codec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple3Codec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple4Codec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple5Codec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.UuidCodec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant11Codec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant2Codec
decode(InputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant3Codec
decodeStatic(InputStream) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.LongCodec
decodeStatic(InputStream) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.UuidCodec
Default - com.grammatech.gtirb.CodeBlock.DecodeMode
DISP - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
DTPMOD - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
DTPOFF - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
DTPREL - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag


Edge - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A CFG Edge represents an edge in the interprocedural control flow graph (CFG).
Edge(CFGOuterClass.Edge) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge
Class constructor for an Edge from a protobuf edge.
Edge(UUID, UUID, Edge.EdgeType, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge
Class constructor for an Edge.
Edge.EdgeType - Enum in com.grammatech.gtirb
Indicates the type of control flow transfer indicated by this edge.
ELF - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.FileFormat
elfDynamicFini - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
The CodeBlock to which a DT_FINI entry in an ELF file's .dynamic section refers.
elfDynamicInit - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
The CodeBlock to which a DT_INIT entry in an ELF file's .dynamic section refers.
elfSectionProperties - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Map from section UUIDs to tuples with the ELF section types and flags.
ElfSectionPropertyTuple - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A tuple for representing information about section properties in ELF files.
ElfSectionPropertyTuple(Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSectionPropertyTuple
Constructor for building a tuple for a section.
elfSoname - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
The string value which the DT_SONAME entry in an ELF file's .dynamic section contains.
elfStackExec - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Stack executable flag specified by PT_GNU_STACK in ELF files.
elfStackSize - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
The size of the PT_GNU_STACK segment in ELF files, which may influence the runtime stack size in certain environments.
elfSymbolInfo - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Map from symbols to their type, binding, and visibility categories.
ElfSymbolInfoTuple - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A tuple representing information about a Symbol.
ElfSymbolInfoTuple(Long, String, String, String, Long) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolInfoTuple
elfSymbolVersions - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Table of information about symbol versioning.
ElfSymbolVersionsTable - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
AuxData table for storing information about symbol versions in ELF files.
ElfSymbolVersionsTable(Map<Short, ElfSymbolVersionsTable.SymVerDef>, Map<String, Map<Short, String>>, Map<UUID, ElfSymbolVersionsTable.SymVerEntry>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolVersionsTable
ElfSymbolVersionsTable.SymVerDef - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A tuple for storing version strings and verdef flags.
ElfSymbolVersionsTable.SymVerEntry - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A tuple for storing symbol version entries.
encode(OutputStream, Offset) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.OffsetCodec
encode(OutputStream, Boolean) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.BoolCodec
encode(OutputStream, Byte) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.ByteCodec
encode(OutputStream, Float) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.FloatCodec
encode(OutputStream, Integer) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.IntegerCodec
encode(OutputStream, Long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.LongCodec
encode(OutputStream, Short) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.ShortCodec
encode(OutputStream, String) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.StringCodec
encode(OutputStream, List<T>) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.ListCodec
encode(OutputStream, Map<K, V>) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.MapCodec
encode(OutputStream, Set<T>) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.SetCodec
encode(OutputStream, UUID) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.UuidCodec
encode(OutputStream, T) - Method in interface com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Codec
Encode an in-memory object into serialized form.
encode(OutputStream, T) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple1Codec
encode(OutputStream, T) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple2Codec
encode(OutputStream, T) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple3Codec
encode(OutputStream, T) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple4Codec
encode(OutputStream, T) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple5Codec
encode(OutputStream, T) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant11Codec
encode(OutputStream, T) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant2Codec
encode(OutputStream, T) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant3Codec
encodeStatic(OutputStream, long) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.LongCodec
encodeStatic(OutputStream, UUID) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.UuidCodec
encodings - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Map from (typed) data objects to the encoding of the data, expressed as a std::string containing an assembler encoding specifier: "string", "uleb128" or "sleb128".
equals(Object) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Offset
equals(Object) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple1
Implementation of deep equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple2
Implementation of deep equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple3
Implementation of deep equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple4
Implementation of deep equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple5
Implementation of deep equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Implementation of deep equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant2
Implementation of deep equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant3
Implementation of deep equality.
Executable - com.grammatech.gtirb.Section.SectionFlag


Fallthrough - com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge.EdgeType
findBlocksAtOffset(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Get all ByteBlocks at an offset.
findByteIntervalsAt(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Get all ByteIntervals that begin at an address.
findByteIntervalsAt(long, long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Get all ByteIntervals that begin at a range of addressees.
findByteIntervalsOn(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Get all ByteIntervals containing an address.
findByteIntervalsOn(long, long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Get all ByteIntervals containing any address in a range.
findCodeBlocksAt(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Find all the code blocks that start at an address.
findCodeBlocksAt(long, long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Find all the code blocks that start between a range of addresses.
findCodeBlocksOn(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Find all the blocks that have bytes that lie within the address specified.
findCodeBlocksOn(long, long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Find all the code blocks that have bytes that lie within the addresses specified.
findDataBlocksAt(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Find all the data blocks that start at an address.
findDataBlocksAt(long, long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Find all the data blocks that start between a range of addresses.
findDataBlocksOn(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Find all the data blocks that have bytes that lie within the address specified
findDataBlocksOn(long, long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Find all the data blocks that have bytes that lie within the address range specified
findModules(String) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Find modules by name.
findSectionsAt(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Find all the sections that start at an address.
findSectionsAt(long, long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Find all the sections that start between a range of addresses.
findSectionsOn(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Find all the sections that have bytes that intersect with the address specified.
findSectionsOn(long, long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Find all the sections that have bytes that intersect with the address range specified.
findSymbolicExpressionAt(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Find all the symbolic expressions that start at an address.
findSymbolicExpressionsAt(long, long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Find all the symbolic expressions that start between a range of addresses.
FloatCodec - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
FloatCodec() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.FloatCodec
Format_Undefined - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.FileFormat
fromInteger(int) - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
fromProtobuf(CFGOuterClass.CFG) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.CFG
De-serialize a CFG from a protobuf .
fromProtobuf(CFGOuterClass.Edge) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge
De-serialize a Edge from a protobuf .
fromProtobuf(SymbolicExpressionOuterClass.SymbolicExpression) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrAddr
De-serialize a SymAddrAddr from a protobuf .
fromProtobuf(SymbolicExpressionOuterClass.SymbolicExpression) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrConst
De-serialize a SymAddrConst from a protobuf.
fromProtobuf(SymbolicExpressionOuterClass.SymbolicExpression) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression
De-serialize a SymbolicExpression from a protobuf .
functionBlocks - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
This table identifies all of the CodeBlocks that belong to each function.
functionEntries - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
This table identifies all CodeBlocks that represent entry points to each function.
functionNameProbabilities - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Map from function UUID to a list of weighted predictions.
functionNames - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
This table identifies a canonical Symbol to be used for each function.
FunctionType(UUID, List<UUID>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.FunctionType


G0 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
G1 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
G2 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
G3 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
get0() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple1
Get the first element of the Tuple1.
get0() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple2
Get the first element of the Tuple2.
get0() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple3
Get the first element of the Tuple3.
get0() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple4
Get the first element of the Tuple4.
get0() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple5
Get the first element of the Tuple5.
get0() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Get the object in the first field of the variant.
get0() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant2
Get the object in the first field of the variant.
get0() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant3
Get the object in the first field of the variant.
get1() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple2
Get the second element of the Tuple2.
get1() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple3
Get the second element of the Tuple3.
get1() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple4
Get the second element of the Tuple4.
get1() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple5
Get the second element of the Tuple5.
get1() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Get the object in the second field of the variant.
get1() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant2
Get the object in the second field of the variant.
get1() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant3
Get the object in the second field of the variant.
get10() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Get the object in the eleventh field of the variant.
get2() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple3
Get the third element of the Tuple3.
get2() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple4
Get the third element of the Tuple4.
get2() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple5
Get the third element of the Tuple5.
get2() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Get the object in the third field of the variant.
get2() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant3
Get the object in the third field of the variant.
get3() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple4
Get the fourth element of the Tuple4.
get3() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple5
Get the fourth element of the Tuple5.
get3() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Get the object in the fourth field of the variant.
get4() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple5
Get the fifth element of the Tuple5.
get4() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Get the object in the fifth field of the variant.
get5() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Get the object in the sixth field of the variant.
get6() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Get the object in the seventh field of the variant.
get7() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Get the object in the eighth field of the variant.
get8() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Get the object in the ninth field of the variant.
get9() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Get the object in the tenth field of the variant.
getAddress() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteBlock
Get the address of this ByteBlock.
getAddress() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Get the address of this ByteInterval.
getAddress() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.PeExportEntry
Get the address.
getAddress() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.PeImportEntry
Get the address.
getAddress() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Return the address of this section, if known.
getArgs() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.CfiDirective
Get the numeric arguments to the directive.
getAsArray() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Get the ArrayType tuple if this is an array type.
getAsFunction() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Get the FunctionType tuple if this is a function type.
getAsInt() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Get the IntType tuple if this is an int type.
getAsStruct() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Get the StructType tuple if this is a struct type.
getAttributeFlags() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression
Get the flags applying to this SymbolicExpression.
getAuxData(AuxDataSchema<T>) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataContainer
Retrieve an arbitrary AuxDataContainer.AuxData item from this container if it exists.
getAuxDataMap() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataContainer
Get a view of the AuxDataContainer.AuxData entries present in this container.
getBinaryName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ProbFuncName
Get the binary-level name.
getBinaryPath() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Get the location of the corresponding binary on disk.
getBinding() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolInfoTuple
Get the binding type.
getBlockList() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Get the blocks of this ByteInterval.
getByteInterval() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteBlock
Get the ByteInterval that owns this ByteBlock.
getByteIntervals() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Get the ByteIntervals belonging to this Section.
getByteOrder() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Get the ByteOrder of this Module.
getBytes() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Get the byte array of this ByteInterval.
getByUuid(UUID) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Node
Find a node using its UUID.
getByUuid(UUID, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Node
Find a node of the given type by UUID.
getCfg() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Get the CFG belonging to this IR.
getCodec() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchema
Get the codec to be used in encoding/decoding.
getDecodedData(AuxDataSchema<T>) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataContainer.AuxData
Get the decoded form of the AuxDataContainer.AuxData.
getDecodeMode() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.CodeBlock
Get the decode mode of this ByteBlock.
getDisplacement() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Offset
Get the displacement into the block this Offset points to.
getEdgeList() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.CFG
Get the Edge list of a CFG.
getEdgeType() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge
Get the Edge.EdgeType of an Edge.
getElementId() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Offset
Get the UUID of the block this Offset points to.
getElemType() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.ArrayType
Get the element type UUID.
getEntryPoint() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Get the entry point of this module, or null if not present.
getFields() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.StructType
Get the fields of the struct.
getFileFormat() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Get the format of the binary pointed to by getBinaryPath().
getFlags() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSectionPropertyTuple
Get the flags attached to the section.
getFuncName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.PeImportEntry
Get the function name.
getHeader() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.PeResourceEntry
Get the header.
getIndex() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteBlock
Get the index to manage this ByteBlock with.
getIndex() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Get the index to manage this ByteInterval with.
getIndex() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Get the index to manage this Section with.
getIndex() - Method in interface com.grammatech.gtirb.TreeListItem
Get the item index.
getIndex() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Get the field index that is populated in this variant.
getIndex() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant2
Get the field index that is populated in this variant.
getIndex() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant3
Get the field index that is populated in this variant.
getInitializedSize() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Get the size of this ByteBlock.
getIr() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Get the IR this Module belongs to.
getIsa() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Get the ISA of the instructions in this Module.
getItemsAtStartIndex(long, TreeMap<Long, List<T>>) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TreeListUtils
Generic method for retrieving items that start at a given address.
getItemsAtStartIndexRange(long, long, TreeMap<Long, List<T>>) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TreeListUtils
Generic method for retrieving items that start at a given address range.
getItemsIntersectingIndex(long, TreeMap<Long, List<T>>) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TreeListUtils
Generic method for retrieving items that intersect with a given address
getItemsIntersectingIndexRange(long, long, TreeMap<Long, List<T>>) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TreeListUtils
Generic method for retrieving items that intersect with a given address range
getLibName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.PeImportEntry
Get the library name.
getModule() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ProxyBlock
Get the Module this ProxyBlock belongs to.
getModule() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Get the Module this Section belongs to.
getModule() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol
Get the Module this Symbol belongs to.
getModules() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Get the list of modules belonging to this IR.
getName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataContainer.AuxData
getName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchema
Get the name of the AuxData table.
getName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.CfiDirective
Get the name of the directive (mnemonic.)
getName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Get the name of this Module.
getName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.PeExportEntry
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ProbFuncName
Get the source-level name.
getName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Get the name of a Section.
getName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol
Get the name of this Symbol.
getOffset() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteBlock
Get the offset of this ByteBlock.
getOffset() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.PeResourceEntry
Get the offset.
getOffset() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrAddr
Gets the constant offset of this SymAddrAddr
getOffset() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrConst
Gets the symbol-relative constant offset of this SymAddrConst.
getOffset() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.StructField
Get the offset of the field.
getOrdinal() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.PeExportEntry
Get the ordinal.
getOrdinal() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.PeImportEntry
Get the ordinal.
getParamTypes() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.FunctionType
Get the types of the parameters.
getPayloadType() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol
Get the payload type of this Symbol.
getPreferredAddr() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Get the preferred address for loading this module.
getProbability() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ProbFuncName
Get the probability.
getProxyBlocks() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Get a list of proxy blocks in this Module.
getRebaseDelta() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Get the difference between this module's preferred address and the address where it was actually loaded.
getReferent() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol
Get the referent of this Symbol.
getReferentUuid() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol
Get the UUID of this Symbol's referent.
getReturnType() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.FunctionType
Get the return type UUID.
getScale() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrAddr
Get the scale this SymAddrAddr.
getSecIndex() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolInfoTuple
Get the section index.
getSection() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Get the section this ByteInterval belongs to.
getSectionFlags() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Get the flags applying to this Section.
getSections() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Get the sections of this Module.
getSize() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteBlock
Get the size of this ByteBlock.
getSize() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Get the size of this ByteBlock.
getSize() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolInfoTuple
Get the size.
getSize() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.PeResourceEntry
Get the size.
getSize() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Return the size of this section, if known.
getSize() - Method in interface com.grammatech.gtirb.TreeListItem
Get the item size.
getSize() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.ArrayType
Get the size of the array type.
getSize() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.StructType
Get the total size of the struct.
getSizeIfChar() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Get the size of a char type.
getSizeIfFloat() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Get the size of a float type.
getSizeIfUnknown() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Get the size of an unknown type.
getSourceUuid() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge
Get the source node of an Edge.
getSymbol1Uuid() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrAddr
Get the symbol UUID of the first operand in this SymAddrAddr.
getSymbol2Uuid() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrAddr
Get the symbol UUID of the second operand in this SymAddrAddr.
getSymbols() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Get the symbols of this Module.
getSymbolUuid() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.CfiDirective
Get the UUID of the Symbol indicating where the directive applies.
getSymbolUuid() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrConst
Get the symbol UUID of this SymAddrConst.
getSymVerDefMap() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolVersionsTable
Get the symbol version definition map.
getSymVerEntriesMap() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolVersionsTable
Get the symbol version entries map.
getTargetUuid() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge
Get the target node of an Edge.
getType() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSectionPropertyTuple
Get the type of the section.
getType() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolInfoTuple
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.StructField
Get the type of the field.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.BoolCodec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.ByteCodec
getTypeName() - Method in interface com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Codec
Gets the portable name for the type used in protobuf.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.FloatCodec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.IntegerCodec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.ListCodec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.LongCodec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.MapCodec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.OffsetCodec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.SetCodec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.ShortCodec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.StringCodec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple1Codec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple2Codec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple3Codec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple4Codec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple5Codec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.UuidCodec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant11Codec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant2Codec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant3Codec
getTypeName() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataContainer.AuxData
Get the Type String (schemata).
getUnknownAttributeFlags() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression
Get unknown attribute flags applying to this SymbolicExpression.
getUuid() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Node
Get the UUID of this node.
getUuidIfAlias() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Get the UUID of the aliased type if this is an alias type.
getUuidIfPointer() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Get the UUID of the pointed-to type if this is a pointer type.
getValue() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol
Get the value of this Symbol.
getVerdef() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolVersionsTable.SymVerDef
Get the verdef flag.
getVerId() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolVersionsTable.SymVerEntry
Get the version id.
getVerNeededMap() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolVersionsTable
Get the map of versions needed by dynamic libraries.
getVersion() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Get the protobuf version of this IR.
getVersions() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolVersionsTable.SymVerDef
Get the list of version strings.
getVerticeList() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.CFG
Get the vertice list of a CFG.
getVisibility() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolInfoTuple
Get the visibility level.
getWidth() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.IntType
Get the width.
GOT - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
GOTNTPOFF - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
GOTOFF - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
GOTPC - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
GOTREL - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
GPREL - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
gtirbApiVersion - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Version
gtirbProtobufVersion - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Version


H - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
HA - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
hasAddress() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Check that this ByteInterval has an address.
HI - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
HI12 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
HI16 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
HI21 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
HIGH - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
HIGHA - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
HIGHER - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
HIGHERA - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
HIGHEST - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
HIGHESTA - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag


IA32 - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ISA
IdaProDb32 - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.FileFormat
IdaProDb64 - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.FileFormat
includedLibraryNames - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Names of libraries that are included in an executable (statically linked)
includedLibraryVersions - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Versions of libraries that are included in an executable (statically linked)
INDNTPOFF - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
Initialized - com.grammatech.gtirb.Section.SectionFlag
insertByteBlock(ByteBlock) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Insert a block into this ByteInterval.
insertItem(T, TreeMap<Long, List<T>>) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TreeListUtils
Generic method for inserting items into a TreeList.
insertSymbolicExpression(long, SymbolicExpression) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Insert a symbolic expression into this ByteInterval.
INT16 - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.ShortCodec
INT32 - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.IntegerCodec
INT64 - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.LongCodec
INT8 - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.ByteCodec
IntegerCodec - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
IntType(Byte, Long) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.IntType
IR - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A complete internal representation.
IR() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Default class constructor for IR.
ISA_Undefined - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ISA
isAtEnd() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol
Get whether symbol is at end.
isBool() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Returns whether or not the type is a bool type.
isConditional() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge
Whether an Edge.
isDirect() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge
Whether an Edge.
isHidden() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolVersionsTable.SymVerEntry
True if the symbol is hidden
isSigned() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.IntType
True if the type is signed.
isVoid() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Returns true if this is a void type.
iterator() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TreeListUtils
Generic method for iterating through all items.


L - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
libraries - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Names of the external libraries that are needed dynamically at run time.
libraryPaths - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Paths contained in the rpath of the binary.
ListCodec<T> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
ListCodec(Codec<T>, Supplier<List<T>>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.ListCodec
LittleEndian - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ByteOrder
LO - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
LO12 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
LO14 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
LO15 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
LO16 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
Loaded - com.grammatech.gtirb.Section.SectionFlag
loadFile(InputStream) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Load IR from a protobuf file stream.
loadFile(String) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Load IR from a protobuf file.
LongCodec - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
LOWER16 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag


MACHO - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.FileFormat
make(A) - Method in interface com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple1Codec.Tuple1Maker
make(A, B) - Method in interface com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple2Codec.Tuple2Maker
make(A, B, C) - Method in interface com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple3Codec.Tuple3Maker
make(A, B, C, D) - Method in interface com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple4Codec.Tuple4Maker
make(A, B, C, D, E) - Method in interface com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple5Codec.Tuple5Maker
make(X) - Method in interface com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant11Codec.Variant11Maker
make(X) - Method in interface com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant2Codec.Variant2Maker
make(X) - Method in interface com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant3Codec.Variant3Maker
makeAlias(UUID) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Factory for alias type.
makeArray(TypeTableEntry.ArrayType) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Factory for array type.
makeBool(TypeTableEntry.BoolType) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Factory for bool type.
makeChar(Long) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Factory for char type.
makeFloat(Long) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Factory for float type.
makeFunction(TypeTableEntry.FunctionType) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Factory for function type.
makeInt(TypeTableEntry.IntType) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Factory for int type.
makePointer(UUID) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Factory for pointer type.
makeStruct(TypeTableEntry.StructType) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Factory for struct type.
makeUnknown(Long) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Factory for unknown type.
makeVoid(TypeTableEntry.VoidType) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry
Factory for void type.
MapCodec<K,​V> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
MapCodec(Codec<K>, Codec<V>, Supplier<Map<K, V>>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.MapCodec
MIPS32 - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ISA
MIPS64 - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ISA
Module - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
Represents a single binary (library or executable),
Module(String, long, long, Module.FileFormat, Module.ISA, String) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Class Constructor for a minimal module with no sections, symbols, or proxyBlocks.
Module(String, long, long, Module.FileFormat, Module.ISA, String, List<Section>, List<Symbol>, List<ProxyBlock>, CodeBlock) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Class Constructor.
Module.ByteOrder - Enum in com.grammatech.gtirb
Identifies a byte ordering (endianness).
Module.FileFormat - Enum in com.grammatech.gtirb
Identifies an executable file format.
Module.ISA - Enum in com.grammatech.gtirb
Identifies an instruction set architecture.


NC - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
NIL_ADDR - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Util
NIL_UUID - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Util
Node - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
Node is the root class for many GTIRB components.
Node() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.Node
Create a Node with a randomly generated UUID.
Node(UUID) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.Node
Create a Node with a specified UUID.
NONE - com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol.PayloadType
NOTOC - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
NTPOFF - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag


Offset - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
An Offset describes a location inside a CodeBlock or DataBlock.
Offset(UUID, long) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.Offset
OffsetCodec - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
OffsetCodec() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.OffsetCodec
OFST - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag


padding - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Locations of unused padding bytes in the binary.
PAGE - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
PAGEOFF - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
PCREL - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
PE - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.FileFormat
peExportedSymbols - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
UUIDs of the exported symbols for PE.
peExportEntries - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
List of tuples detailing an exported address, ordinal, and name for PE.
PeExportEntry - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A tuple storing information about a PE file export entry.
PeExportEntry(Long, Long, String) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.PeExportEntry
peImportedSymbols - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
UUIDs of the imported symbols for PE.
peImportEntries - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
List of tuples detailing an imported function address, ordinal, function name, and library names for PE.
PeImportEntry - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A tuple representing an import entry for a PE file.
PeImportEntry(Long, Long, String, String) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.PeImportEntry
peResource - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
List of PE resources.
PeResourceEntry - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A tuple representing a resource attached to a PE file.
PeResourceEntry(List<Byte>, Offset, Long) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.PeResourceEntry
PG - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
PLT - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
PLTOFF - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
PPC32 - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ISA
PPC64 - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ISA
PREL - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
PREL31 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
ProbFuncName - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A tuple representing a probability fact associated with a function's name.
ProbFuncName(String, String, Float) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.ProbFuncName
profile - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Profiling data.
prototypeTable - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Map of function UUIDs to their associated typeTable entries for the purpose of giving them prototypes.
ProxyBlock - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
ProxyBlock is a placeholder that serves as the end point (source or target) of a CfgEdge.
ProxyBlock() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.ProxyBlock
Class Constructor.
putAuxData(AuxDataSchema<T>, T) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataContainer
Adds an arbitrary AuxDataContainer.AuxData item to this container.


RAW - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.FileFormat
Readable - com.grammatech.gtirb.Section.SectionFlag
readUUID(InputStream) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Util
Reads a UUID from an InputStream.
REFERENT - com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol.PayloadType
removeAttributeFlag(SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression
Remove an attribute flags from this SymbolicExpression.
removeAuxData(AuxDataSchema<?>) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataContainer
Remove an AuxDataContainer.AuxData from this container.
removeAuxData(String) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataContainer
Remove an AuxDataContainer.AuxData from this container.
removeByteBlock(ByteBlock) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Remove a block from this ByteInterval.
removeByteInterval(ByteInterval) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Remove a ByteInterval.
removeItem(T, TreeMap<Long, List<T>>) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.TreeListUtils
Generic method for removing items from a TreeList.
removeModule(Module) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Remove a module from this IR.
removeProxyBlock(ProxyBlock) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Remove a proxy block from this Module.
removeSection(Section) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Remove a section from this Module.
removeSectionFlag(Section.SectionFlag) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Remove a Section flag.
removeSymbol(Symbol) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Remove a symbol from this Module.
removeSymbolicExpression(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Remove a symbolic expression from this byte interval.
removeUnknownFlag(Integer) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression
Remove an unknown attribute flag from this SymbolicExpression.
Return - com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge.EdgeType


S - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
saveFile(OutputStream) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Save IR to a protobuf file stream.
saveFile(String) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Save IR to a protobuf file.
SBREL - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
sccs - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
The intra-procedural SCC identifier of each CodeBlock.
SECREL - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
Section - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
The Section class represents a named section or segment of a program file, with flags that define its settings and ByteIntervals to store binary information.
Section(String, Set<Section.SectionFlag>, List<ByteInterval>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Class Constructor.
Section.SectionFlag - Enum in com.grammatech.gtirb
Identities the flags used for a section.
set0(A) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Set the first field of the variant.
set0(A) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant2
Set the first field of the variant.
set0(A) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant3
Set the first field of the variant.
set1(B) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Set the second field of the variant.
set1(B) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant2
Set the second field of the variant.
set1(B) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant3
Set the second field of the variant.
set10(K) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Set the eleventh field of the variant.
set2(C) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Set the third field of the variant.
set2(C) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant3
Set the third field of the variant.
set3(D) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Set the fourth field of the variant.
set4(E) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Set the fifth field of the variant.
set5(F) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Set the sixth field of the variant.
set6(G) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Set the seventh field of the variant.
set7(H) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Set the eighth field of the variant.
set8(I) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Set the ninth field of the variant.
set9(J) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Set the tenth field of the variant.
setAddress(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Set the address of this ByteInterval.
setAtEnd(boolean) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol
Set whether symbol is at end.
setBinaryPath(String) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Set the location of the corresponding binary on disk.
setByteOrder(Module.ByteOrder) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Set the byte order of this Module.
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Set the byte array of this ByteInterval.
setCfg(CFG) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Set the CFG belonging to this IR.
SetCodec<T> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
SetCodec(Codec<T>, Supplier<Set<T>>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.SetCodec
setDecodeMode(CodeBlock.DecodeMode) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.CodeBlock
Set the decode mode of this CodeBlock.
setEdgeLabelConditional(boolean) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge
Set whether an Edge is conditional or not.
setEdgeLabelDirect(boolean) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge
Set the name of a Edge.
setEdgeList(List<Edge>) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.CFG
Set the Edge list of a CFG.
setEdgeType(Edge.EdgeType) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge
Set the Edge.EdgeType of an Edge.
setEntryPoint(CodeBlock) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Set the entry point of this Module.
setFileFormat(Module.FileFormat) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Set the file format of this Module.
setIsa(Module.ISA) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Set the ISA of the instructions in this Module.
setName(String) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Set the name of this Module.
setName(String) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Section
Set the name of this Section.
setName(String) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol
Set the name of this Symbol.
setOffset(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrAddr
Sets the constant offset of this SymAddrAddr.
setOffset(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrConst
Sets the symbol-relative constant offset of this SymAddrConst.
setPreferredAddr(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Set the preferred address for loading this module.
setRebaseDelta(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Module
Set the difference between this module's preferred address and the address where it was actually loaded.
setReferentUuid(UUID) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol
Set the UUID of this Symbol's referent.
setScale(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrAddr
Set the scale this SymAddrAddr.
setSize(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteBlock
Set the size of this ByteBlock.
setSize(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Set the size of this ByteInterval.
setSourceUuid(UUID) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge
Set the source node of an Edge.
setSymbol1Uuid(UUID) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrAddr
Set the symbol UUID of the first operand in this SymAddrAddr.
setSymbol2Uuid(UUID) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrAddr
Set the symbol UUID of the second operand in this SymAddrAddr.
setSymbolUuid(UUID) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrConst
Set the symbol UUID of this SymAddrConst.
setTargetUuid(UUID) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge
Set the target node of an Edge.
setValue(long) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol
Set the value of this Symbol.
setVersion(int) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Set the protobuf version of this IR.
setVerticeList(List<byte[]>) - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.CFG
Set the vertice list of a CFG.
ShortCodec - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
StringCodec - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
A Codec for strings.
StringCodec() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.StringCodec
StructField(Long, UUID) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.StructField
StructType(Long, List<TypeTableEntry.StructField>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.StructType
SymAddrAddr - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
The SymAddrAddr class represents a symbolic operand of the form "(Sym1 - Sym2) / Scale + Offset".
SymAddrAddr(long, long, UUID, UUID, Set<SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrAddr
Class constructor for a SymbolicExpression.
SymAddrAddr(SymbolicExpressionOuterClass.SymbolicExpression) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrAddr
Class constructor for a SymAddrAddr from a protobuf symbolic expression.
SymAddrConst - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
The SymAddConst class represents a symbolic operand of the form "Sym + Offset".
SymAddrConst(long, UUID, Set<SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrConst
Class constructor for a SymAddrConst.
SymAddrConst(SymbolicExpressionOuterClass.SymbolicExpression) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrConst
Class constructor for a SymAddrConst from a protobuf symbolic expression.
Symbol - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
Maps a name to an object in the IR.
Symbol(String) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol
Class constructor for a minimal Symbol with no payload.
Symbol(String, long) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol
Class constructor for a Symbol with a value payload.
Symbol(String, UUID) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol
Class constructor for a Symbol with a referent payload.
Symbol.PayloadType - Enum in com.grammatech.gtirb
Symbol payload options.
symbolForwarding - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
A mapping of symbols in one module that are bound dynamically to symbols in another module.
SymbolicExpression - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
The Symbolic Expression class is a base class for expressions such as SymAddrConst, SymAddrAddr, and SymStackConst.
SymbolicExpression(SymbolicExpressionOuterClass.SymbolicExpression) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression
Class constructor for a SymbolicExpression from a protobuf symbolic expression.
SymbolicExpression(Set<SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression
Class constructor for a SymbolicExpression.
SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag - Enum in com.grammatech.gtirb
Attributes for Symbolic Expressions.
symbolicExpressionIterator() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Get a SymbolicExpression iterator.
symbolicExpressionSizes - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Map from an Offset of a SymbolicExpression in a ByteInterval to its extent, a size in bytes.
SymVerDef(List<String>, Short) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolVersionsTable.SymVerDef
SymVerEntry(Short, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.ElfSymbolVersionsTable.SymVerEntry
Syscall - com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge.EdgeType
Sysret - com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge.EdgeType


T0() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Token.T0
T1() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Token.T1
T10() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Token.T10
T2() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Token.T2
T3() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Token.T3
T4() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Token.T4
T5() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Token.T5
T6() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Token.T6
T7() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Token.T7
T8() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Token.T8
T9() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Token.T9
TARGET1 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
TARGET2 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
ThreadLocal - com.grammatech.gtirb.Section.SectionFlag
Thumb - com.grammatech.gtirb.CodeBlock.DecodeMode
TLS - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
TLSCALL - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
TLSDESC - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
TLSGD - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
TLSLD - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
TLSLDM - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
TLSLDO - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
TOC - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
TOCBASE - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
Token - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
This class contains a bunch of marker classes that are used exlusively to control variant construction.
Token() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Token
Token.T0 - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
Token.T1 - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
Token.T10 - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
Token.T2 - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
Token.T3 - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
Token.T4 - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
Token.T5 - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
Token.T6 - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
Token.T7 - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
Token.T8 - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
Token.T9 - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
toProtobuf() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.ByteInterval
Serialize this ByteInterval into a protobuf .
toProtobuf() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.CFG
Serialize this CFG into a protobuf.
toProtobuf() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge
Serialize this Edge into a protobuf.
toProtobuf() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.IR
Serialize this IR into a protobuf.
toProtobuf() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrAddr
Serialize this SymAddrConst into a protobuf.
toProtobuf() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymAddrConst
Serialize this SymAddrConst into a protobuf.
toProtobuf() - Method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression
Serialize this SymbolicExpression into a protobuf.
TPOFF - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
TPREL - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
TreeListItem - Interface in com.grammatech.gtirb
Interface for generic items to be stored in sorted order.
TreeListUtils<Type> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
Utilities for storing and retrieving generic items in sorted order.
TreeListUtils(TreeMap<Long, List<Type>>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.TreeListUtils
Tuple1<A> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple
Immutable collection of one element of any type.
Tuple1(A) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple1
Class constructor for a Tuple1.
Tuple1Codec<T extends Tuple1<A>,​A> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
Tuple1Codec(Codec<A>, Tuple1Codec.Tuple1Maker<T, A>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple1Codec
Tuple1Codec.Tuple1Maker<T,​A> - Interface in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
Tuple2<A,​B> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple
Immutable collection of two elements of any type.
Tuple2(A, B) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple2
Class constructor for a Tuple2.
Tuple2Codec<T extends Tuple2<A,​B>,​A,​B> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
Tuple2Codec(Codec<A>, Codec<B>, Tuple2Codec.Tuple2Maker<T, A, B>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple2Codec
Tuple2Codec.Tuple2Maker<T,​A,​B> - Interface in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
Tuple3<A,​B,​C> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple
Immutable collection of three elements of any type.
Tuple3(A, B, C) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple3
Class constructor for a Tuple3.
Tuple3Codec<T extends Tuple3<A,​B,​C>,​A,​B,​C> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
Tuple3Codec(Codec<A>, Codec<B>, Codec<C>, Tuple3Codec.Tuple3Maker<T, A, B, C>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple3Codec
Tuple3Codec.Tuple3Maker<T,​A,​B,​C> - Interface in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
Tuple4<A,​B,​C,​D> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple
Immutable collection of four elements of any type.
Tuple4(A, B, C, D) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple4
Class constructor for a Tuple4.
Tuple4Codec<T extends Tuple4<A,​B,​C,​D>,​A,​B,​C,​D> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
Tuple4Codec(Codec<A>, Codec<B>, Codec<C>, Codec<D>, Tuple4Codec.Tuple4Maker<T, A, B, C, D>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple4Codec
Tuple4Codec.Tuple4Maker<T,​A,​B,​C,​D> - Interface in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
Tuple5<A,​B,​C,​D,​E> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple
Immutable collection of five elements of any type.
Tuple5(A, B, C, D, E) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.tuple.Tuple5
Class constructor for a Tuple5.
Tuple5Codec<T extends Tuple5<A,​B,​C,​D,​E>,​A,​B,​C,​D,​E> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
Tuple5Codec(Codec<A>, Codec<B>, Codec<C>, Codec<D>, Codec<E>, Tuple5Codec.Tuple5Maker<T, A, B, C, D, E>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Tuple5Codec
Tuple5Codec.Tuple5Maker<T,​A,​B,​C,​D,​E> - Interface in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
types - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
An entry in this table indicates that the given DataBlock contains content that exhibits the given C++ type.
typeTable - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.AuxDataSchemas
Structured type information about objects.
TypeTableEntry - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A variant representing type information for an object.
TypeTableEntry.ArrayType - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A marker type for representing array types.
TypeTableEntry.BoolType - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A marker type representing the type bool.
TypeTableEntry.FunctionType - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A marker type for representing function types.
TypeTableEntry.IntType - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A marker type representing the type int.
TypeTableEntry.StructField - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A tuple representing a structure field.
TypeTableEntry.StructType - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A marker type for representing structure types.
TypeTableEntry.VoidType - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
A marker type representing the type void.


UINT16 - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.ShortCodec
UINT32 - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.IntegerCodec
UINT64 - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.LongCodec
UINT8 - Static variable in class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.ByteCodec
Undefined - com.grammatech.gtirb.Section.SectionFlag
Unlabelled - com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge.EdgeType
UPPER16 - com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
Util - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
General purpose methods.
Util() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.Util
UuidCodec - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
UuidCodec() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.UuidCodec
uuidToByteArray(UUID) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Util
Converts a UUID to a 16-byte array
uuidToByteString(UUID) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Util
Convert a UUID to a ByteString.


ValidButUnsupported - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ISA
value() - Method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
VALUE - com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol.PayloadType
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.CodeBlock.DecodeMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge.EdgeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ByteOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.FileFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ISA
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.Section.SectionFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol.PayloadType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.CodeBlock.DecodeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.Edge.EdgeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ByteOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.FileFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ISA
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.Section.SectionFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.Symbol.PayloadType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.grammatech.gtirb.SymbolicExpression.AttributeFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Variant11<A,​B,​C,​D,​E,​F,​G,​H,​I,​J,​K> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
A 11-valued variant.
Variant11(Token.T0, A) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Initialize the variant with an object of the first type.
Variant11(Token.T10, K) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Initialize the variant with an object of the eleventh type.
Variant11(Token.T1, B) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Initialize the variant with an object of the second type.
Variant11(Token.T2, C) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Initialize the variant with an object of the third type.
Variant11(Token.T3, D) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Initialize the variant with an object of the fourth type.
Variant11(Token.T4, E) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Initialize the variant with an object of the fifth type.
Variant11(Token.T5, F) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Initialize the variant with an object of the sixth type.
Variant11(Token.T6, G) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Initialize the variant with an object of the seventh type.
Variant11(Token.T7, H) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Initialize the variant with an object of the eighth type.
Variant11(Token.T8, I) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Initialize the variant with an object of the ninth type.
Variant11(Token.T9, J) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant11
Initialize the variant with an object of the tenth type.
Variant11Codec<T extends Variant11<A,​B,​C,​D,​E,​F,​G,​H,​I,​J,​K>,​A,​B,​C,​D,​E,​F,​G,​H,​I,​J,​K> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
A codec for serializing 3-element variants.
Variant11Codec(Codec<A>, Codec<B>, Codec<C>, Codec<D>, Codec<E>, Codec<F>, Codec<G>, Codec<H>, Codec<I>, Codec<J>, Codec<K>, Variant11Codec.Variant11Maker<T, A>, Variant11Codec.Variant11Maker<T, B>, Variant11Codec.Variant11Maker<T, C>, Variant11Codec.Variant11Maker<T, D>, Variant11Codec.Variant11Maker<T, E>, Variant11Codec.Variant11Maker<T, F>, Variant11Codec.Variant11Maker<T, G>, Variant11Codec.Variant11Maker<T, H>, Variant11Codec.Variant11Maker<T, I>, Variant11Codec.Variant11Maker<T, J>, Variant11Codec.Variant11Maker<T, K>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant11Codec
Construct a codec for 3-element variants.
Variant11Codec.Variant11Maker<T,​X> - Interface in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
Variant2<A,​B> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
A 2-valued variant.
Variant2(Token.T0, A) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant2
Initialize the variant with an object of the first type.
Variant2(Token.T1, B) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant2
Initialize the variant with an object of the second type.
Variant2Codec<T extends Variant2<A,​B>,​A,​B> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
A codec for serializing 2-element variants.
Variant2Codec(Codec<A>, Codec<B>, Variant2Codec.Variant2Maker<T, A>, Variant2Codec.Variant2Maker<T, B>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant2Codec
Construct a codec for 2-element variants.
Variant2Codec.Variant2Maker<T,​X> - Interface in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
Variant3<A,​B,​C> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.variant
A 3-valued variant.
Variant3(Token.T0, A) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant3
Initialize the variant with an object of the first type.
Variant3(Token.T1, B) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant3
Initialize the variant with an object of the second type.
Variant3(Token.T2, C) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.variant.Variant3
Initialize the variant with an object of the third type.
Variant3Codec<T extends Variant3<A,​B,​C>,​A,​B,​C> - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
A codec for serializing 3-element variants.
Variant3Codec(Codec<A>, Codec<B>, Codec<C>, Variant3Codec.Variant3Maker<T, A>, Variant3Codec.Variant3Maker<T, B>, Variant3Codec.Variant3Maker<T, C>) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec.Variant3Codec
Construct a codec for 3-element variants.
Variant3Codec.Variant3Maker<T,​X> - Interface in com.grammatech.gtirb.auxdatacodec
Version - Class in com.grammatech.gtirb
The semantic version of this API and version of protobuf this API can read and write from.
Version() - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.Version
VoidType(Byte) - Constructor for class com.grammatech.gtirb.TypeTableEntry.VoidType


Writable - com.grammatech.gtirb.Section.SectionFlag
writeUUID(OutputStream, UUID) - Static method in class com.grammatech.gtirb.Util
Writes a UUID to an OutputStream


X64 - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.ISA
XCOFF - com.grammatech.gtirb.Module.FileFormat
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