Class Variant3<A,​B,​C>

  • public abstract class Variant3<A,​B,​C>
    extends java.lang.Object
    A 3-valued variant. The variant can store a single object that is of one of the generic parameter types provided. Note that this class is abstract. Intended use is to extend this class with a simple wrapper that uses named getters/setters.
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected Variant3​(Token.T0 tok, A o)
      Initialize the variant with an object of the first type.
      protected Variant3​(Token.T1 tok, B o)
      Initialize the variant with an object of the second type.
      protected Variant3​(Token.T2 tok, C o)
      Initialize the variant with an object of the third type.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object other)
      Implementation of deep equality.
      java.util.Optional<A> get0()
      Get the object in the first field of the variant.
      java.util.Optional<B> get1()
      Get the object in the second field of the variant.
      java.util.Optional<C> get2()
      Get the object in the third field of the variant.
      int getIndex()
      Get the field index that is populated in this variant.
      void set0​(A o)
      Set the first field of the variant.
      void set1​(B o)
      Set the second field of the variant.
      void set2​(C o)
      Set the third field of the variant.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Variant3

        protected Variant3​(Token.T0 tok,
                           A o)
        Initialize the variant with an object of the first type.
        tok - This is a marker parameter indicating which field of the variant is to be populated by the constructor.
        o - The object to populate the variant with.
      • Variant3

        protected Variant3​(Token.T1 tok,
                           B o)
        Initialize the variant with an object of the second type.
        tok - This is a marker parameter indicating which field of the variant is to be populated by the constructor.
        o - The object to populate the variant with.
      • Variant3

        protected Variant3​(Token.T2 tok,
                           C o)
        Initialize the variant with an object of the third type.
        tok - This is a marker parameter indicating which field of the variant is to be populated by the constructor.
        o - The object to populate the variant with.
    • Method Detail

      • getIndex

        public int getIndex()
        Get the field index that is populated in this variant.
        The index (0-based) of the field of the variant.
      • get0

        public java.util.Optional<A> get0()
        Get the object in the first field of the variant.
        If the field in the variant is populated, the return value is the populated object wrapped in Optional. Otherwise returns Optional.empty().
      • get1

        public java.util.Optional<B> get1()
        Get the object in the second field of the variant.
        If the field in the variant is populated, the return value is the populated object wrapped in Optional. Otherwise returns Optional.empty().
      • get2

        public java.util.Optional<C> get2()
        Get the object in the third field of the variant.
        If the field in the variant is populated, the return value is the populated object wrapped in Optional. Otherwise returns Optional.empty().
      • set0

        public void set0​(A o)
        Set the first field of the variant. If any other field is populated, that field is dropped.
        o - The object to populate the field with.
      • set1

        public void set1​(B o)
        Set the second field of the variant. If any other field is populated, that field is dropped.
        o - The object to populate the field with.
      • set2

        public void set2​(C o)
        Set the third field of the variant. If any other field is populated, that field is dropped.
        o - The object to populate the field with.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object other)
        Implementation of deep equality.
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        other - The other object to compare equality against
        True of other is equal to this object.