GTIRB  v2.1.0
GrammaTech Intermediate Representation for Binaries

GTIRB Stack Stamp

TLDR; It is very easy to write binary transforms in GTIRB, see gtirb-stack-stamp.

This tutorial demonstrates the development of a binary hardening transform built on GTIRB (a data structure that represents binary executables). We implement stack stamping (a simple return oriented programming, or ROP, defense) as a GTIRB-to-GTIRB transformation. We leverage the ddisasm front-end to disassemble binaries to GTIRB and the gtirb-pprinter back-end to produce a new hardened executable from the stack stamped GTIRB. In practice the stack-stamp transform could be chained with other GTIRB binary analysis or transformation passes. Implementations of the stack stamping transform are given in all three GTIRB API languages; Python API/, C++ API/gtirb_stack_stamp.hpp, and Common Lisp API/gtirb-stack-stamp.lisp.

This document walks through the whole process of writing and applying the stack stamping binary ROP protection in following steps:

A. Install all required libraries and utilities

The following should be sufficient to install the required GTIRB libraries and utilities (for complete installation instructions see GTIRB::Install).

  1. Install the required binaries.
    • Windows:

      > NOTE: Windows users are warned that (1) you can't assemble and > link your rewritten ELF file on Windows unless you have the > required Linux build tool installed (2) the Common Lisp APIs > are not tested on Windows – although they might work.

      1. Download,, and from;
      2. Extract each ZIP file to a suitable location.
      3. Add the /bin directory from each extracted ZIP file to your PATH environment variable. (Alternatively, provide the full path when you invoke the extracted executables.)
      4. If it is not already present on your system, install Protobuf version 3.0.0 or higher.
      5. If you plan to work in C++, you will also need Boost, version 1.67.0 or higher.
    • Ubuntu16: install the binaries from the GTIRB xenial repository as follows.
      sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maarten-fonville/protobuf
      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mhier/libboost-latest
      echo "deb ./" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gtirb.list
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated libgtirb-dev gtirb-pprinter ddisasm
    • Ubuntu18: install the binaries from the GTIRB bionic repository as follows.
      sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mhier/libboost-latest
      echo "deb [trusted=yes] ./" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gtirb.list
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install libgtirb-dev gtirb-pprinter ddisasm
    • Ubuntu20: install the binaries from the GTIRB focal repository as follows.
      sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
      echo "deb [trusted=yes] ./" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gtirb.list
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install libgtirb-dev gtirb-pprinter ddisasm
    • Arch Linux: install pre-built pacman packages from or install using the popular aur helper yay,
      yay -Sy gtirb-git gtirb-pprinter-git ddisasm-git
  2. For the Common Lisp and C++ API, install Keystone. Keystone does not have prebuilt packages, so you must install this from source. For Linux systems, this generally looks like:
    git clone
    cd keystone
    mkdir build
    cd build
    make install
  3. Make sure the required GTIRB components are available to your development environment. This will depend on the language you want to work in:
    • C++: when you compile your transform, do all of the following.
      • Specify that the GTIRB lib/ is a library directory.
      • Specify that the GTIRB include/ is an include directory.
      • Link against the gtirb and proto libraries (Windows: gtirb.lib, proto.lib; Linux:,
    • Python (note: must be Python 3):
      pip3 install gtirb gtirb-functions gtirb-capstone
    • Common Lisp:
      1. Clone the latest versions of these repositories into your ~/quicklisp/local-projects directory (the versions in quicklisp don't yet have some important bugfixes)
        cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects
        git clone
        git clone --single-branch --branch quicklisp
        git clone
        git clone
      2. Install with quicklisp.
        (ql:quickload '(:gtirb :gtirb-functions :gtirb-capstone))

B. Lift a binary to GTIRB

GrammaTech's open-source GTIRB tooling supports disassembly of ELF binaries only.

The example used in this tutorial is a Linux ls binary. If you prefer, you can work with a different ELF binary: just amend the command lines as necessary to accommodate any file name differences.

If you are on a Linux system, you can analyze your system ls. For Windows users, we have provided additional instructions for obtaining a Linux ls binary.

Ubuntu 16, Ubuntu18, Ubuntu20, Arch Linux:

  1. Change to a suitable working directory.
  2. Run the datalog disassembler to analyze the binary and produce a GTIRB representation.
     ddisasm $(which ls) --ir ls.gtirb


  1. Do you have easy access to a Linux ls binary? (For example, can you copy one from another local system?)
    • YES: Copy the binary to a suitable working directory and go to step 4.
    • NO: Go on to step 2.
  2. Download a Linux coreutils package from (or another location if you prefer).
  3. Use a tool such as 7-Zip to extract /bin/ls from the package, then copy it to a suitable working directory.

    (If your tool does not support selective extraction, unpack the entire package to a temporary location, then copy /bin/ls to your working directory.)

  4. Change to your working directory.

If you are not able to successfully analyze your chosen binary, please open an issue to let us know.

C.a Implement your own stack-stamp transform

Stack stamping is a technique to help mitigate ROP style attacks. This is done by 'stamping' (xoring with a random number) the return address on the stack at the beginning of every function, thus encrypting it. At the end of the function, before the return address is popped off the stack and used, it is decrypted by xoring it again with the same random number. This can be a very efficient protection. Because it only requires an xor instruction this implementation requires no registers, and while flags are affected, they are only affected at function entry/exits where they do not need to be preserved. The effect of encrypting and decrypting the return address on the stack like this is that ROP payloads become much more difficult to write. The attacker would have to know the random xor number for every return to encrypt the return addresses in the payload. These numbers could easily be regenerated for every instance of a deployed binary making generic payloads impossible.

Stack Stamp Figure

Regardless of the implementation language the mechanics of this transform will be the same – we'll write a GTIRB-to-GTIRB rewriting pass (the design of GTIRB is similar to LLVM in that it leverages stand-alone passes for analysis or transformation).

  For each function f that has a single entry and single return.
     Build a random key k_f for f.
     On entry to f, encrypt the return address using k_f.
     On exit from f, decrypt the return address using k_f.
  1. Implement the transform, using the GTIRB manual as a reference.

    If you're developing in Python or Common Lisp you can work directly in a Read Eval Print Loop (REPL), or use it to prototype a stand-alone implementation.

    • For all languages, start by importing the gtirb API and then loading your ls.gtirb file. For Common Lisp and Python, you will also need to import the gtirb-functions and gtirb-capstone APIs.
      • Python
        from gtirb import *
        import gtirb_functions
        import gtirb_capstone
        ir = IR.load_protobuf("ls.gtirb")
      • C++
        #include <gtirb.hpp>
        gtirb::Context Ctx;
        std::ifstream File("ls.gtirb");
        gtirb::IR* Ir = *gtirb::IR::load(Ctx, File);
      • Common Lisp
        (mapcar #'use-package '(:gtirb :gtirb-capstone :gtirb-functions))
        (defparameter *ir* (read-gtirb "ls.gtirb"))
    • The mechanism for identifying functions and their entry points depends on the API language you are using.
      • Python: Use the gtirb-functions API functionality (Python) to obtain the set of recovered functions, and the sets of entry and exit blocks for each function.
      • C++: The GTIRB sanctioned AuxData tables are populated by ddisasm: use the gtirb API to access the information in these tables.
      • Common Lisp: Use the gtirb-functions API functionality (Common Lisp) to obtain the set of recovered functions, and the sets of entry and exit blocks for each function.
  2. When you're done, compare your implementation to the corresponding completed transform in the gtirb-stack-stamp repository on GitHub:
  3. Apply your transform to ls.gtirb.
  4. Serialize the transformed GTIRB to a new file ls-ss.gtirb.
    • Python
    • C++
      std::ofstream File("ls-ss.gtirb");
    • Common Lisp
      (write-gtirb *ir* "ls-ss.gtirb")

C.b Just run our stack-stamp transform

If you're interested in applying this transform but not writing it yourself you can try our implementation available at

  • Python
    python install
    python -m gtirb_stack_stamp /tmp/ls.gtirb --outfile /tmp/ls-ss.gtirb --rebuild /tmp/ls-ss
  • C++
    mkdir build
    cmake -Bbuild
    make -Cbuild
    ./build/bin/gtirb-stack-stamp -i /tmp/ls.gtirb -o /tmp/ls-ss.gtirb
  • Common Lisp
    sbcl --eval '(ql:quickload :gtirb-stack-stamp)' --eval '(asdf:make :gtirb-stack-stamp :type :program :monolithic t)'
    ./stack-stamp -g /tmp/ls-ss.gtirb -b /tmp/ls-ss

D. Serialize GTIRB to a new executable and test

The final step is to use the GTIRB pretty printer to convert your GTIRB representation to a new binary.

NOTE: Although you can pretty-print GTIRB to assembly on Windows you can't actually assemble or link the assembler to an ELF file on Windows because the required as and ld commands are typically not installed. So this is likely the end of the road for users without access to a Linux machine.

  1. Run the following command.
   gtirb-pprinter ls-ss.gtirb --skip-section .eh_frame \
               --asm \
  1. Try running the new binary. Its behavior should be indistinguishable from the original.

    (You will not be able to do this on Windows. However, if you have access to a Linux system, you can copy your new binary there and try it out.)

E. Visualize the difference using gtirb-ghidra-plugin

Ghidra is a reverse engineering framework developed by the National Security Agency (NSA). With a GTIRB plug-in, Ghidra offers a useful GUI for examining the differences between GTIRB files.


a. Install prerequisites if they are not already installed

  1. Java 11 (a prerequisite for Ghidra): Ubuntu18, Windows
  2. Ghidra.
  3. The GTIRB Ghidra plugin.

b. Import and analyze the files

  1. Start Ghidra and open a project or create a new one.
  2. Import ls.gtirb and double-click it to open a Code Browser.
  3. When prompted to analyze it, hit "Yes" and select "Disassemble Entry Points" (only).

    This will populate the listing with disassembly for all functions.

  4. When the analysis is complete, save the file and close the Code Browser.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for ls-ss.gtirb

c. Use the Version Tracking tool to match function locations

  1. Click on the "Footprints" icon to start the Version Tracking tool.
  2. The Version Tracking tool also has a footprints icon, click on this to start a new session wizard.
  3. Enter a session name and select the before and after files as Source and Destination.
  4. Skip the precondition checks and click Finish.

    This will open source and destination tools, which you can minimize as we don't need them.

d. Examine the changes in a side-by-side view

  1. In the Version Tracking tool, click the green "+" (plus sign) to start comparing the files.
  2. In the wizard that comes up, select "Exact Symbol Name Match" (only). This will allow us to do a side-by-side comparison of functions of the same name.
  3. Click Next and Finish.

    The Version Tracking Matches window will be populated with a list of matches. (If you don't see a Version Tracking Matches window, go to Window in the top menu and select Version Tracking Matches).

  4. Select a function by clicking on a row with type Function.
  5. Go to the Version Tracking Markup window to see a comparison of this function (if you don't see source and destination sections in the Version Tracking Markup window, click the "Book" icon in the upper right corner of the Version Tracking Markup window.