The GTIRB VSCode extension allows VSCode to open a GTIRB file, displaying an assembly listing of the contents. When combined with GrammaTech's DDisasm disassembler, it provides a reverse engineering UI with unparalleled accuracy. It is available as open-source software at
The VSCode UI provides the following features, demonstrated in the video below:
Navigation: Jump to the listing line corresponding to a specified address. Jump to a definition from any symbolic reference. List, preview, and jump to the references of any symbol.
Static Analysis. Hover over a line in the listing to bring up any AuxData associated with that address in the binary. This can contain arbitrary static analysis information, and will at least contain local data-flow information for GTIRB files produced by DDisasm.
Decompilation. Display the decompilation of a function by hovering over the function name. Only available when the backing GTIRB file has embedded decompilation information.
Binary Rewriting. Directly edit the assembly code listing through the VSCode UI, and save the file in VSCode. The GTIRB VSCode extension records the code blocks that were modified and saves their references to portions of the modified assembly file. When the file is saved, the GTIRB VSCode extension loops through every modified basic block and updates it in the backing GTIRB file using the gtirb-rewriting API. After updating the GTIRB file, the GTIRB-PPrinter assembles and links a new binary reflecting the user's edits.
This material is based upon work supported by the Navy and the Office of Naval Research under Contract(s) No. N68335-17-C-0700. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Navy or the Office of Naval Research.