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Software Search and Replace (SSR) is a software transformation and exploration tool that operates on abstract syntax trees (ASTs), such as those produced by parsers for C, C++, Javascript, and other languages. Rules specify which ASTs to match and what actions to take against matches: for example, users can specify code rewriting actions to implement sophisticated refactorings. Rule application order, including simultaneous application, is fully under user control; multiple SSR passes can be used to iterate to a stable, fully-rewritten result.

SSR is based on the Software Evolution Library (SEL), a modular toolkit for representating and manipulating software objects. This foundation allows SSR to support all languages supported by SEL, including C, C++, JavaScript, Java, and Common-Lisp.

This material is based upon work supported by the Air Force and DARPA under Contract(s) No. FA8750-16-C-0007, D16PC00103 and FA8750-20-C-0208. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Air Force or DARPA.

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