const auto *Ptr = dynamic_cast<const Foo *>(SomePtr);
auto Val = static_cast<unsigned>(SomeValue);
for (auto Iter = SomeContainer.begin(), End = SomeContainer.end(); Iter != End; ++Iter) {}
- Use `auto` to make code more readable, but prefer `auto &` or `auto *`
to avoid unexpected copies.
- `#include` as little as possible to reduce compile times. Use
forward declarations of classes when possible to avoid including
their definitions.
- Do not introduce variables to the code that would require a client
to dllimport them. Export.hpp does not setup dllimport declarations
for clients. For example, do not add static function-local variables
in inline functions in header files.
## Build Performance Tips
<a name="build-performance-tips" id="build-performance-tips"></a>
Some tips to keep in mind to not needlessly regress build performance when
working with GTIRB:
- Do not include a protobuf header from within a .hpp file unless you need the
enum values from protobuf. A forward declare + include in the .cpp file is
sufficient and cuts out 100s of transitive headers to parse.
CFG.hpp and ByteInterval.hpp are the most expensive headers you can possibly
include. Avoid including these whenever humanly possible (getting rid of 2
includes of
CFG.hpp cut out ~2500 transitive header includes).
- Boost headers are extremely heavy to parse, try to push as much of their
inclusions down into a .cpp file as possible. For instance, including boost's
endian header requires ~200 transitive headers by itself. Things like the
boost containers are considerably more expensive. This is what contributes to
ByteInterval and CFG being so expensive to include. Be wary when adding
includes to boost headers or adding new boost dependencies.
- Do not blindly trust the output from tools like include what you use; they
sometimes do silly things like include a header file when a forward declare is
sufficient. When adding an include to a .hpp file, try hard to avoid adding
the include.
### Testing Development
<a name="testing-development" id="testing-development"></a>
- All code you care about should be tested.
- Any code you don't care about should be removed.
- C++ code should be tested on Linux using GCC and Clang, and on Windows using Visual Studio.
- Code testing is done via Google Test.
- Test names are prefixed with the type of test they are (`Unit_`, `System_`, `Integration_`).
- No unit test should take more than 0.5 seconds.
## Building under Windows
<a name="building-under-windows" id="building-under-windows"></a>
Most of the build issues on Windows arise from having to define the location of
many dependencies.
### Troubleshooting
<a name="troubleshooting" id="troubleshooting"></a>
- When using a batch file to call `cmake`, make sure to quote all paths and
escape all backshlases in paths. i.e. `-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="c:\\Program
Files\\capstone"` and do not leave a trailing backslash on paths.
- Use `-Dprotobuf_DEBUG=ON` for protobuf related build issues in general.
- `'../src/gtirb/proto/protobuf::protoc', needed by
'src/gtirb/proto/AuxData.pb.h', missing and no known rule to make it`
- due to missing or unusable protoc protobuf compiler. You may need to define
`-Dprotobuf_EXECUTABLE="<path to protoc.exe>"`, or check that the
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH has a path to the protobuf dir (resulting from `ninja install`
after building).
- `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` is not additive. If you set it again, it will silently
overwrite prior settings. Add to the one definition, separtaing with
## Python Code Requirements
<a name="python-code-requirements" id="python-code-requirements"></a>
- Code must be [PEP8](https:
To check for PEP8 compliance, [flake8](https:
and included as part of our `pre-commit` configuration.
- All code must be formatted with [Black](https:
(set to line lengths of 79, for PEP8 compliance).
A pass through this tool is included as part of our `pre-commit` configuration.
- Please note that `black` only works on Python version 3.6 and newer.
This is newer than what is available on some OSes by default (for example, Ubuntu 16),
so you may have to install Python 3.6 or newer to run `black`.
If installing Python 3.6+ on your system is not possible, there exists
[an online interface to Black](https:
you can manually enter files into.
- The Python API should be made to run on all version of Python 3.
- Use `UpperCamelCase` for type names, `UPPER_CASE` for constant names,
and `snake_case` for other identifier names.
### Testing Development
<a name="testing-development" id="testing-development"></a>
- All code you care about should be tested.
- Any code you don't care about should be removed.
- Code testing is done via the built-in `unittest` framework.
- No unit test should take more than 0.5 seconds.
## Documentation
<a name="documentation" id="documentation"></a>
The GTIRB documentation consists of complete documentation for all
components of the GTIRB API, along with examples and other usage
### Building Documentation
<a name="building-documentation" id="building-documentation"></a>
At minimum, you will need [CMake](https:
1. Create and change to a temporary build directory. We will refer to
this directory as `build`.
> mkdir build
> cd build
2. Build the documentation.
build> cmake <PATH_TO_GTIRB> [<api_options>]
build> cmake --build . --target doc
3. Open the documentation home page `build/doc/html/index.html`
in your browser.
The `<api_options>` are as follows
- `-DGTIRB_CXX_API=OFF` : do not generate C++ API documentation.
If this option is not specified, `cmake` will attempt to generate
C++ API documentation, failing (along with the documentation build
as a whole) if [Doxygen](http:
- `-DGTIRB_CL_API=OFF` : do not generate Common Lisp API documentation.
If this option is not specified, `cmake` will attempt to generate
Common Lisp API documentation if and only if it can locate a
SBCL/Quicklisp installation, failing if
is not available.
- `-DGTIRB_PY_API=OFF` : do not generate Python API documentation.
If this option is not specified, `cmake` will attempt to generate
Python API documentation if and only if it can locate a Python
installation, failing if [Sphinx](https:
or the Python API dependencies are not available.
### Contributing Markdown Documentation
<a name="contributing-markdown-documentation" id="contributing-markdown-documentation"></a>
To add a new markdown document to the documentation:
1. Create the new document as a child of `/doc`.
- File names start with `gtirb`.
- File extension is `.md`.
- Use github markdown syntax.
- Wrap your markdown documents at 80 columns.
2. Edit `/doc/general/` to add the basename of your new markdown
document to the `INPUT` rule setting.
3. Edit `/doc/general/CMakeLists.txt` to add your new markdown document
to `MDFILES_IN`. Ordering is not important.
4. Integrate your new markdown document into the documentation, either
by linking to it from an existing page or by updating
`/doc/general/DoxygenLayout.xml` to add an entry to the **More Information**
5. [Build the documentation](#building-documentation) and check that
your new page is present and rendered correctly.
- If it is not rendered correctly, you may need to add a new
preprocessing step to `doc/general/` to rewrite the
corresponding github-style markdown into something Doxygen
can handle correctly.
### Graphviz
<a name="graphviz" id="graphviz"></a>
- File names start with `gtirb`.
- The color palette is `black`, `lightblue`, `cornflowerblue`, and `coral`.
- Render `.dot` files to the same file name with a `.png` extension.
* Example: `dot -Tpng > gtirbScope.png`
- Use the `arial` font.
### Python
<a name="python" id="python"></a>
For the Python API, [Sphinx](https:
and [related plugins](https:
are required. To install these via [pip](https:
bash pip3 install sphinx sphinx-autodoc-typehints